The disgust must show on my face because Satan lets out a mocking little laugh. “With Daemera of all beings. Can you believe that?” Why does that name sound familiar? “All those times I told her not to invite a succubus to her home and now she is the reason soulmates have found each other.”
My sweet innocent little sister has found a soulmate in a succubus?! I give a quick shake of my head to clear it. A problem for another time.
“Regardless! All of you have bonded to her so that you could get close enough to her to find out whose saving her and if God is still here, and yet none of you have any worthwhile information. Failures! All of you!”
“I bonded with her because I wanted her. Not for some stupid ‘bet.’” Sloth’s voice, for once, isn’t monotone. It’s filled with cockiness. “Honestly, Lucy, I’m positive you are the only one who still cares about it.” Each of my brothers nod their head in agreement.
It sets me off. “I’m the only one who still cares that there is no one left to undo our punishments? I’m the only one who still cares that the rest of us are stuck down here if one of us is on Earth? I’m the only one who still cares that a rogue angel halfling is healing your precious human?!” With each question my voice grows louder until I’m yelling. “I’m the only one who still cares that the whole point of Mammon bringing the fucking human to Hell was so that we could leave? All of you are too obsessed with one woman’s pussy that you’ve lost sight of everything we’ve been working for!”
“Rogue angel halfling?” Wrath’s tone is ominous. I revealed more than I should have in my rage. “Have you found the culprit, brother?”
His use of the word brother is mocking rather than admiring. Looking between the five of them, I’m sure I’m no longer considered a brother. They’ve all become brother-husbands to a human and I am left on the outskirts. Knowing Asmodeus, he will follow along Wrath like a little puppy.
“Apparently, I’m the only one who still cared enough to look for them.” I refuse to falter. I’m not wrong. This all started as a bet to Mammon and the others. Brianna stood in this throne room a month ago as a pawn to help us leave Hell.
“We care, Lucifer.” Sloth once again, attempting to be the voice of reason. He started this whole fucking bonding mess in the first place. “We care that we aren’t allowed on Earth if one of us is there already. We care that we are still punished and can’t use our powers to their full potential. We care that someone other than us is watching over our mate.” His empty black eyes focus on me as his next words hit me like a slap across the face. “We just care about Brianna more.”
It’s time for a wake-up call.
“All of you are useless in this situation. Why don’t I ask Brianna directly how she feels being bonded with all of you? Let’s call her here.” I stand from my throne, moving to the enchantment in the middle of the room where I can force my brothers to come to me. “You’ve all bonded to her, giving her half of your essence. In reality, she’s more powerful than all of you combined and she doesn’t know it.”
One by one, my brothers’ faces pale. “Lucifer, what are you doing?” Satan’s words aren’t filled with arrogance now. There’s an underlying fear.
“I’m showing you what you’ve created.” I do a slow circle, making direct eye contact with each of my brothers. “I think it’s time you learned the truth.”
Envy stands from his throne. “Lucifer, stop!”
“I think it’s time she learned.” I focus on her essence, now mixed with all the sins except mine. It’s powerful and yet she is incredibly clueless.
Brianna is in the house my fellow Kings and I have built her, which makes it so simple to grab on to her essence and forcibly pull her to me.
She appears before me, crumpled on the floor from the force I used. Asmodeus is quick to follow her. I wrap my hand around her throat and lift her to stand, not letting go once she’s found her feet.
Instead, I do something that I haven’t done in over a millennium. I use the angel magic left within me to shield us from demons, making her unavailable to her “mates.”
“Lucifer?” Her voice is soft and confused, belying her powerful essence. “Why are you doing this? What’s happening?”
I give her the simplest answer. “It’s time for this to end.”
38. Bree
One moment, I was lying in my giant bed wearing one of Asmodeus’ tees, my Beast playing in my hair as my body tries to recoup from the hours long sex marathon we just had. The next, extreme pain is flowing through my body. I blacked out for a second only to reappear in the middle of the throne room, disoriented and hurt, shaking my head to clear the fog. A hand wraps around my throat, lifting me onto my feet so that I can stare at Lucifer’s purple eyes that have a golden ring around them.
They look like Rellick’s eyes with the gold ring. How have I never noticed that? “What’s happening?” I ask. His hand stays around my throat though he’s not squeezing.
“It’s time fore this to end.” For what to end? What is he even talking about?
I look around at the rest of my Sins. Their faces are frozen in horror, skin paler than their usual vibrant colors. They are all standing in a circle around us, beating on an invisible wall. I can’t hear any of them.
Starting to panic, I look to Lucifer for an explanation, but his eyes are blank. His face is a mask hiding away his emotions, giving me nothing to read. “Why can’t I hear them?”
“We’re locked in a shield. They can’t get to you.” Monotone. His eyes, his voice. Everything about him right now is blank.
Something happened. Something bad. “Why not? What do you want?”
A cruel smile forms on his lips, scaring me more than anything ever has before. “I want you to know the truth.”
“About what?” I hedge. I don’t think I want to know the truth about anything at this point. I just want to live in my bubble with my son and my Sins.