Jay kissed the side of her face. “You see her?”

“Yes.” She wagged her head.

“You look exactly the same as before you told me you are an addict and go to therapy. The fantasy is only more whimsical. I still want you.”

“Not if you knew everything.”

“Even if I knew everything, Magic. I want to see where this can go for us. I like you,” Jay confessed. “I like you a lot.”

“But what happens when you don’t like me anymore? I don’t think I can go back to my life before you. I’m already thinking about how I want to wake up to you every morning. What happens when you no longer like who I am in the morning?” Candi was desperate to know. She had been let down so much in life that the only way she could live was if she knew the future.

Jay didn’t respond because he didn’t want to think about her not being with him in the future. Instead, he guided her to the bathroom. “I’ll run you a bath. Go in my room and find something to sleep in.” To send her off, he kissed her lips and slapped her ass when she turned to leave.

The massive walk-in closet was just a short walk through the even bigger bathroom. So many questions swirled through her head. Wanting to live in the moment, Candi pushed them to the back.

Jay had so many clothes and shoes. There were also a few boxes that caught her attention. Looking back, she made sure he wasn’t watching her as she dug through one box that looked to house pictures. In a pretty, gold frame sat a beautiful picture of Jay and a woman. Upon further inspection, her mouth dropped.

“You find something?” Jay asked.

Candi jumped, dropping the frame.

He laughed. “Oh, you found something all right.” Bending down, he picked the picture up, glancing at it. “Ask me.”

“Is that Moonlight?” That was the most important question.

Jay confirmed it was.

“And she was… is?”

“My ex-fiancée.”

“And you want my crackhead ass? Ain’t no way. Yea, let me take my basic ass home. I can’t compete with no shit like this.” Candi tried to rush past him but was caught. He embraced her like he wanted her to be there with him.

“Did I love her? Yes. Do I love her? No. And you don’t have to compete with her or anyone else. Don’t trick yourself out of all this love I can give you, Magic. You’re here with me because I want you to be here. Take your clothes off and get in the tub.”

Reluctantly, a smile tugged at her lips. No matter how badly she wanted to run out of his house, she also wanted to stay. So, she stayed. Walking back into the bathroom, she noticed the tub filling up. It looked so relaxing, so she removed her clothes. Fully naked, Jay whistled, which made her blush. Many men had seen her body as an object. Not Jay though. His whistle felt like an appreciation—like he could see deeper than just her round ass, fat pussy, and nice boobs.

Candi winced just a little at the water’s temperature as she dipped her body into the water. “You not getting in?”

“You just trying to see my dick.” Jay worked up a cocky grin. “But nah, Magic, I want you to relax. I think I like seeing you relax. I like seeing your eyes smile from within.”

“I am smiling,” Candi argued.

He walked over to the tub. “That shit doesn’t reach your eyes, though. I want your smile to tingle these pretty little toes.” His hand went into the water to touch her pretty, orange-polished toes. “To rumble in your stomach.” His hand traveled up her body where he tickled her tight stomach. “To dance on your heart.” Using two fingers, he pretended to dance. “To crease your lips.” Softly, his wet fingers traced her lips.

“I want to smile like that, Jayshun.” Her confession came out in a plea. “And I want to return the feeling.”

Now it was his turn to blush.

“Are we moving too fast?” Candi felt foolish for planning her whole life with Jay in her mind when they barely knew each other. What she felt had lingered since she got in his car. He felt like he could be hers and that was all Candi wanted. Something that was hers. A person she didn’t have to share.

Lathering up a rag, Jay washed her body. “I don’t think we moving fast enough. I’m following your lead. Wherever you want to go is fine with me.”

“I’m broken,” she murmured, slumping her shoulders and looking down.

Jay’s movements didn’t stall. “I’m a healer.”

Candi fought every emotion in her body to not cry. The way he was already healing her was heartbreaking and heart-mending. So many ships had passed through her waters and none of them thought to stop and fix the lighthouse so they could see better. See the full picture.