Jay continued his deep-sea dive into her eyes. “I want you… so fuckin’ much. Don’t question that. Okay?”

Candi nodded.

Shaking his head, he kissed her lips. “You gotta use these sexy ass lips for more than kissing. Answer me. I want you, Magic. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Jayshun,” Candi whispered.

“Good. Now, get your ass up on that counter, and let me show you how to make the best omelet you will ever eat. You ain’t allergic to anything, are you?” Candi went to shake her head. “Un uh. Words.” His fingers tapped her lips.

“No.” She smiled with a roll of her eyes.

Satisfied with her knowing how to follow his lead, Jay walked her into the kitchen. Lifting her, he sat her on the big island in the kitchen. “Watch and learn, Magic. I might need you to do this for me one day.”

Candi’s face started to hurt from all the smiling he had her doing. Jay seemed to be a charmer. Whether he was that way with everyone, she wasn’t sure. Another fear was unlocked. Shaking off her uncertainty, she watched him move around the kitchen. It seemed that everything he did turned her on. Her panties were soaked and she wished she had told him to stop her by the house to get something to change into. Then again, maybe he was going to take her home later. Whatever the move was, Candi was going to be okay with it. The butterflies and goosebumps she got from being near him were enough to last her a lifetime. It was new and fun. She couldn’t wait to tell her therapist about it.

Thinking about her therapist reminded her she had an appointment with her the next day. Candi told herself she’d sneak out early in the morning if he didn’t take her home that night.

It took Jay all of twenty minutes to make one big omelet. It smelled delicious and she couldn’t wait to taste it after all the cocky shit-talking he did while making it. She’d never laughed so much in one night in her entire life. Not with her girls or another man.

Snuggled on the couch, Jay had her leg on his while he blew the fork full of his omelet before feeding it to her. “And tell the truth.” His brows raised inquiringly. His dick jumped at the sight of her lips closing around the fork full of egg. Teasing himself, he dragged the fork back slowly.

Candi tasted the food with her eyes closed. Flavor burst in her mouth. “It’s good.”

“Don’t trip on me, Magic. How good is it? And tell the truth.” He smiled big and bright. He’d taken his grill out earlier and his natural smile still twinkled.

Swatting him away, she joked. “I said it's good.”

“But how good?”

“Good, like I can eat it again.”

“Man, watch out.” His head fell back but shot back up when a thought came to his mind. Forking up some more food, he fed her again. Before she could chew it well, he leaned forward to kiss her.

In shock, her eyes shot open.

“Mhm.” Jay nodded at the taste of eating food out of her mouth. “Now, that shit is good, ain’t it?”

“You can’t kiss me like that, Jayshun,” Candi fussed, trying to compose herself.


“It’s dangerous for a girl like me. You can’t lift me just to let me fall. I-I—” Her eyes misted.

On alert, Jay sat up. “You what? Tell me, Candi. Anything. You can tell me anything. I want to know everything.”

Wiping at her face, she shook her head. “You don’t want to know everything. I won’t be perfect to you anymore, and once the fantasy is gone, you’ll be gone too.”

He frowned. “Who made up those rules? You will be perfect to me, regardless. I can’t explain it but I want you so bad. Like being close to you does something to me. I like the feeling.”

“I’m an addict!” Candi blurted. “I was in rehab last year. I have therapy in the morning. There. Fantasy ruined.”

Jay stood up and brought her with him. He walked her to the window to show her her reflection. “You see that?” he asked.

“What, the city? Yea, I see it.”

“No, look closer.” Gently, he pushed her curly weave behind her ear. “You see her?”

For a split second, Candi stopped breathing. Blinking a few times, her vision cleared of the tears that wanted to fall. She focused on herself. Then her eyes went to him standing behind her.