When they walked outside, she wasn’t expecting to see a four-wheeler where the car once was.

“Um, we going on that?” she asked, looking from the four-wheeler down to her dress and heels. “’Cause if so, I need to change my clothes.”

“Nah, you good. It ain’t that far and I want to show you off looking like this.” Jay winked before helping her get on the four-wheeler.

Once he felt she was situated, he straddled the front. The bike purring under her felt amazing. Wanting to be closer to him, she sunk her front into his back, locking her arms around him. His spicy and sweet scent filled her nose.

The night air was just as humid and muggy. It tasted salty, reminding her they were close to the gulf. As they cruised down the road, the lights from the front of the bike were all that illuminated the street. There were no other cars on the road and it took a while for another house to come into view. If he wanted to kill her, he could and no one would know.

“You good?” he yelled over the loud ride.

“Yes!” she yelled back. Being on a four-wheeler wasn’t new to her. Still, riding shotgun with him made it feel new. It unlocked a new memory and triggered her soul to smile.

So far, life with Jay trumped any life she had before him.

Another twenty or so minutes on the road and they were pulling up to what seemed like civilization. Music blared and there were other cars, motorcycles, and four-wheelers parked in the dirt near a house that looked more like a shack.

Couples walked up holding hands, and others were in friend groups or solo. It was a hole in the wall. She’d heard the stories about older people and she could see why people still frequented them. Candi didn’t know what to expect, which made her a little nervous. The whole going out scene hadn’t been her thing since leaving rehab.

Jay felt her tense up and he laughed a little under his breath. “Come on. My sister waiting for me.”

“Is this a bring-your-own-bottle type of place?” Her question came from seeing people walking in with brown paper bags. “If so, where our shit at?”

“You drink?” His face scrunched in question.

“I mean, I can, but I don’t. I might want to hit a little something tonight though,” she revealed shyly, hoping he didn’t read too much into her request.

“I’ll see if my sister has any edibles. I feel better with that.” He leaned down to kiss her lips and help her off the bike.

Candi cleared her throat and nodded. She appreciated him wanting to look out for her, but the thought of him treating her like a crackhead didn’t make her feel good. It reminded her of Drama and how he wouldn’t smoke around her anymore. He wouldn’t even toss back a drink. Watching the people around her indulge responsibly reminded her of the times when she would be high out of her mind.

So many of her nights were a blur and she couldn’t hardly ever recall what happened. The only person who made sure she was alert for sex was Drama. He wouldn’t fuck her if he felt like she was too gone. Everyone else had their way with her. The only reminder they would leave was a sore pussy and money on the nightstand.

Stopping to clear things up, Jay faced her. “Look, I ain’t judging you or feel like I need to babysit you. You don’t know no one here and I think the good time high you’re looking for will be better served in an edible. If you want to smoke, I’m cool with that. If I ain’t passing it to you, don’t take it, though. That goes for anything.”

“Okay.” Candi cheered up after his little speech. That was all she wanted, someone who trusted her judgment. “Thank you.”

“Just bring your fine ass in here and act like you got some sense.”

Wale’s “Black Bonnie” blasted from the speakers as they walked into the seemingly spacious juke joint. From the outside, it looked small, but the inside was like a clown car. People were posted up on the walls, sitting at tables, and on the makeshift dance floor. There were also people of all ages just vibing and having a good time.

Jay hugged and slapped hands with so many people. Based on the smiles on their faces, they were happy to see their baby boy back in town. Candi could only smile and nod when he introduced her to his people.

“Juke!” a beautiful, brown-skinned girl yelled, running and jumping into his arms. She had long, blonde hair and rosy, red cheeks.

Without missing a beat, he hugged the woman back with the biggest smile on his face. “Meechie, baby.”

“I missed you so much, Juke. I hope you stay for a long time.” Meechie pouted, not wanting to get out of her big brother’s arms.

Candi cleared her throat while shifting her weight from one side to the other.

Looking the dark beauty over, Meechie smiled, giving Candi a glimpse of her solid gold top and bottom grill. “Hey, girl!” she greeted once Jay put her back on her feet. “I’m his baby sister, Meechie.”

Her face relaxed. “I’m Candi.” She returned the welcome.

“My baby,” Jay added, swooping her in his arms.

Squealing, Meechie hugged them both. “Y’all so damn cute. Come on, I got a little area over here.”