“That gotta be bullshit. You were engaged to the girl and she ain't never been to your house?” Candi tapped her chin with her lips poked out, challenging his statement.

“One thing I hope you learn is I don’t lie. Lie for what? Who gon’ beat my ass?” Jay removed the gun from the holster on his waistband and set it on the kitchen counter since they’d made their way in there.

“You like big ass windows, huh?” Candi mentioned, seeing the large, bay-style windows in the kitchen and living room area, which was an open concept. “You live here alone?”

“Yes, and no. My little sister looks after shit, and sometimes, she spends the night here. I have a cleaner that comes out too. But mostly, when I’m in town, I’m here alone.”

“So, you have a little sister and…?”

“A brother. I’m the oldest.” Jay made his way to her, needing to be close to her. Skin-to-skin contact was a love language for him.

“Your house is nice, Jayshun.” Looking up at him, her eyes twinkled with lust. “Why the black house though?”

“That’s my last name. It’s my family’s name and I plan on passing it down.” Jay spoke with pride.

“Show me where you sleep.” Her request was one he would happily oblige.

Jay held her in front of him as he walked her up the stairs. He was careful with each step he took, making sure neither one of them tripped up as they took what seemed like a million steps. Candi only smiled and giggled. Everything he did was new to her. As a young girl, she wanted to be hugged up, walking around the city with her little boo. It never happened but Jay was slowly healing the parts of her that needed it. The icing on the cake was, that it seemed it was all second nature to him. Like he had no motive behind the way he touched her.

“This it?” she asked as they neared brown double doors at the end of the hall. They’d passed three other rooms and a bathroom.

“Push that muthafucka open,” he directed.

Doing as she was told, she was just as impressed with the master room and couldn’t wait to sleep in the bed with him. Once he had finished showing her around his house, he retrieved their bags from the car and let her know they were going to hit up a local spot that played music and had good wings. Candi was down for whatever as long as he was her plus one.


“Damn.” Jay bit his fist watching Candi walk down the stairs. He had to make a few calls letting his people know he was in town and that he brought someone with him. He also had a business meeting with some white boys from out west that he was thinking about partnering with for the legal weed business.

Blushing hard, Candi gave him a three-sixty view of her outfit. It was hot and humid outside so she put on a mini dress that hugged her curves like SKIMS. It stopped right above her knees and on her feet was a pair of designer heels that she couldn’t part with on her love journey.

He could smell her before he saw her and loved the nutty vanilla scent that seemed to be a signature for her. “Do another spin for me.”

Laughing, she gave in to his request. Her ass shook with each step she took. Candi was blessed in the body area. Face too. Hair, not so much. The wet and wavy quick weave she had in earlier had been discarded and replaced with her real hair, which was medium in length. To give herself a style, she parted her hair down the middle and slicked it all back into a low bun. It had been years since she relaxed her hair so her roots were curly while her ends were straight.

“You look fine as hell, too, Jayshun.” Candi twirled her finger, teasing him to give her a spin.

Jeans, a designer tee, cowboy boots, and a hat made him look like the sexiest country boy she’d ever seen. Then he had the nerve to wear his jewelry and diamond grill. Jay was at home and in his element. Many didn’t know he was a horse riding, country music listening, weed growing, street nigga.

“I want some boots too.” Candi pouted.

Always wanting to touch her, Jay embraced her in his arms. “We’ll get you laced tomorrow. Damn, you make me want to stay in.” He groaned, gripping her ass in his big hands.

“We can stay in,” Candi flirted. She was just as horny as he was. She had no idea why he seemed to hold out on nailing her to the cross. By the constant bulge in his pants and the way he seemed to keep his hands on her, she knew Jay was just as ready. Still, for reasons unknown to her, he hadn’t made a solid move yet and she liked that.

Candi was so used to men leading with their dicks that Jay’s patience meant so much to her.

She eagerly eyed his deep irises.

“You don’t have to wait for me all the time. If you want a kiss, take the kiss.”

“What about if I want something else?” Her tone lowered and so did her hands.

Walking her back, he pressed her back into the wall. “The more you wait, the better it’ll be. If you need a release, I know other ways to empty you, Magic.”

How was this man real? When he spoke, she wanted to tie her soul to him. Candi looked at him and saw her future in his eyes. He made her feel special and seen. When he spoke about his heart dancing, she understood because thoughts of him turned her beating organ into a Dancing with the Stars contestant.

“Let’s just go to this little hoedown.” Candi winked, holding her hand out for him to lock his fingers into hers.