Chapter One


I don’t know what I did to deserve this but the barely there clothing was a big reminder of where my life is going to be leading right now. I thought that everything would be okay because my brother was a big commander in the human army, but I should have known it wouldn’t be a thing where I could be alright. I should have known that he would do everything in his power to make me regret EVER being around him. I should have known that he didn’t care about me, and I should have known that he would NEVER see me as his equal. How could he when he already knows that I’m just not the one who he can love when I’m not the sister that he wanted…

I hate to say this but there are times when I wish that I was just dead. I didn’t deserve to be treated the way that I was, and I honestly don’t know what I did to deserve it. It’s kind of like a slap to the face because everything that I have done has been for the goodness of this empire and it seems like it didn’t matter. I guess that the kingdom was in trouble with some scary aliens who live on a planet filled with darkness that if they didn’t give up women to be breeders, they were going to start a war.

I don’t know why I was sent though because I can’t have children. Unfortunately, due to some genetic issues, there’s a one percent chance that I will ever have a baby and I’m not keeping my hopes anymore for it. I know that I’m going to have to live with it and it has just come to my attention that maybe this is for the best. I can’t be a hundred percent certain that this is the road that I should go down but there’s no way these aliens are going to believe me if I tell them that they have been lied to.

By the looks of desire on their faces, it has become quite clear to me what they are after, and they do not care what they have to do to get it. It’s kind of like a slap to the face though and I don’t know what to do about it, but I know that there’s only one way I’m going to get out of this alive and that means finding a suitable alien to protect me.

While we were on the ship, we were scrubbed like our lives depended on it and they didn’t even try to hide their desires towards us. It was kind of annoying when they kept poking and prodding, like they wanted to see how top notch we were. Some of the aliens were drooling over me, like they could gobble me up at any moment and I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. That scared me, I didn’t want to be the meal to an alien, especially with everything that has already happened. I keep going back and forth trying to decide how I’m going to get myself out of this…

Unfortunately, I’m coming up with slim findings.

I have come to accept my fate though because there is unfortunately nothing that I can do about it. It doesn’t matter what I say or do, I’m unfortunately on the short end of the stick and it is very possible in this moment that I could just end up losing everything because of this as well. I’m okay with that though because I know that I had tried to do the right thing but I’m coming to the quick conclusion that the right thing to do in this moment is to not worry about it until it actually happens. So, I’m holding my head high and I’m not letting anything deter me from what’s going to end up happening next.

I mean, worst case scenario is that I could very well lose everything that has meant the most to me. I’m okay with this as well because I have just come to the conclusion that nothing is going to go the right way for me, and I would rather not be unhappy. If I am unhappy, then there is quite frankly no reason in living. It might be a sad way to think about it, but my brother made the right decision because I know nobody is going to miss me if I am gone.

It's why he disposed of me so easily.

“Hurry up and move!” One of the aliens growls at me, pushing me along.

I want to snap at him and really let him have it, but I know it’s not going to do me any good, so I just shut my mouth quickly. Pursing my lips, I just walk out of the ship and hope for the best. I can see a bunch of aliens lurking outside, looking at us with what looks to be primal lust. I’m not sure if we have already been bought but it would really surprise me. I just hold my chin high, and I stare each and every one of them down, not allowing them to see just how afraid I actually am. I know it might be a bit ridiculous but I’m holding onto the hope that it’s going to be alright.

The woman beside me is trembling with fear, trying to hide away from the leering gazes but there’s only so far, she can go. I look at her sympathetically because she might easily get picked out from the rest of us because she is gorgeous. I just wonder who might end up choosing me.

All of a sudden, tension fills the air, and the aliens start to part like the red sea. I don’t know who is coming this way but it’s like my body is immediately on edge, telling me that we’re going to need to run or stand our ground. Of course, I can’t go anywhere so there’s no way that I can just leave but I am staring at the path like a beast is going to emerge. And boy does he emerge.

A big alien is marching towards us, his green eyes blazing through his dark skin. He wears hardly anything unlike the other aliens, just a cloth wrapped around his waist that looks like it would barely cover anything. His strange dark green hair is a mess on the top of his head, as if he has run his fingers through it numerous times. He has large black horns protruding from the top of his head and he looks rock solid, packed with muscles and I immediately notice the scars. It’s obvious the other aliens are afraid of him, and I can see why. He screams a dominating nature.

Of course, I could be wrong though.

That’s when I notice the tail coming from the base of his spine as well, slightly big and looking like it could be used as a weapon as it has little dagger-like spikes coming from it. And as he marches closer, I can’t help but notice how sharp his teeth look. I thought that he wouldn’t be coming towards us but the woman next to me trembles because it looks like he has his eyes set on her and nobody is stopping him.

I look away because I don’t want to see what will happen next, but the girl immediately stops trembling. I frown, looking back and I go incredibly still when I’m looking straight into those terrifyingly beautiful green eyes, and he is looking right at me. The entire clearing has gone dead silent, and my stomach drops because I know there is no way I’m going to like what he says next.

“You’re mine.” He growls, his voice vibrating through me.

Yep, I think I might have just died right then and there.

What did I do to deserve this.

Chapter Two


I hate breeders.

My mother was a breeder, a weak woman who could not handle giving birth to a child like me. Although I was of mixed blood, I took more after my father, and she ended up dying giving birth to me. He blamed me for it even though he didn’t love her, we just can’t reproduce because our species only creates men. It’s very rare to get a woman of our kind but if we do, she’s immediately taken away to the royal family because they deem themselves the better ones to get the fresh pick.

I have kept myself away from the breeding ships because I had no reason to reproduce. I might be a skilled warrior and my genes would be perfect to pass on, I don’t have the heart to do that to another frail woman who can’t take us. Some of the breeders end up dying due to the fact that they can’t handle our cocks. My race is big, there’s nothing that can be done about it, but there are some who don’t care that they are too big. They do everything in their power to make sure that the woman hurts, and they don’t allow her to rest at all. Sometimes their breeding sessions can go on for hours, maybe even a few days.

Let’s just say the woman doesn’t make it out of it alive.

But something this time is drawing me to the ship. I don’t know what it is, feeling a bit annoyed because I’m thinking it is just my curiosity. It has been a long while since a breeding ship came around and I know a lot of the warriors are eager to obtain one. But when I see her being guided out of the ship, everything falls into place.

I don’t even have to touch her to know that she is mine. My mate. It doesn’t happen very often but sometimes our kind meet someone that they are destined to be with. Their perfect match. That hasn’t happened in nearly thirty years and most of the warriors don’t believe in it anymore. I march in that direction, everyone moving out of my way because they know that they shouldn’t try to mess with me unless they want to die. I know that they find it odd that I’m going towards that direction because they know that I don’t join in these games, but they are going to be sorely mistaken when they realize the truth about what I’m going to do next.