The woman looked away, and I think she thought I was going towards someone else. I hate to break it to her but that’s far from the case, planting myself right in front of her. Her beautiful blue eyes turn to look at me, slightly widening as I take her in.

She’s everything that I should hate but I can’t bring myself to do so. She’s just so beautiful even with her long, wavy brown hair that looks like it needs a good brushing. She has fair, delicate features, and the outfit she wears barely conceals anything. I want to be pissed because I don’t like the idea of someone else seeing what mine is but there’s nothing that she could do about it.

“You’re mine.” Suddenly passes through my lips before I even realize what is happening.

Her eyes widen momentarily as she looks at me with confusion, “what?”

I look towards the seller, knowing that I’m going to have to pay, “how much?”

He looks confused himself because he knows that I do not participate. He glances around, seeing if anyone is going to object but no one dares to. They don’t want to piss me off honestly. I’d love to see them try to fight me for her though because they know I am just not one to fuck with and they know that I have no qualms with putting someone in their place. I even did it to the Royal family and that’s when everyone learned to shut the fuck up and leave me alone because I have no problem dealing with assholes who want to continue to mess things up for me.

It has become more and more obvious with passing days that somethings just were being weird and not going the way that I needed it to and so many people told me that I needed to find me a mate or something. That ended up confusing me a lot because why did I need to look for a mate? I have done so much in my life that didn’t require for me to go down that road and I have been okay with it because it’s just how things were. Of course, I could definitely understand if I just kept doing things the wrong way, but I know that I haven’t.

I know for a fact that I’ve been doing this the way that I need to, and he ends up nodding his head to me. He gives me the price, making me grit my teeth because my mate is worth so much more than that but I’m not going to allow anyone to touch her. Before she can even think to fight me off, I’m already pulling her into my arms and carrying her off, ignoring the stares of those watching and just knowing that I’m going to be the one to keep her safe.

I’m sure it’s not going to be easy for her to trust me considering everything that has already happened, but I can assure her right here and now that I’m not going to allow anyone to hurt her. Over my dead body will that happen. She peers up at me and I see the slight fear in her eyes but also the confusion, probably wondering what I’m going to do about this. I can’t be a hundred percent certain about what I want to see happen, but I do know that I can’t allow anyone or anything to stand in my way anymore.

I just have to protect her and that’s my main goal.

First, I need to earn her trust.

Chapter Three


I don’t know why this burly alien picked me out of everyone, but I have this bad feeling that I’m not going to like the answer. I’d like to think that maybe he just knew that I was the perfect fit or something, but it has become more and more clear to me that it’s not going to be the case. Because of everything that I have been through, I kind of already know what road and path I need to go down and I have been trying to decide if this alien is a good or bad guy.

His place was in a more secluded spot and heavily fortified where it wouldn’t be so easy for someone to get inside without him knowing. It did make me a bit nervous because I had no idea what to say or do, kind of worried that he would take offense if I said something the wrong way. I’m not in any way trying to make excuses or anything, I’m just trying to make sure that I am understanding this whole thing properly. I have been going back and forth in my head about it, trying to decide what I’m going to do.

Of course, I couldn’t be completely certain where this would end up going but what I did know is that I can’t end up doing things the way that I needed it to be. I have been hoping and dreaming that something would just go right for me, and I keep trying to tell myself that this is going to all be okay, but I know it might not end up being that case. He could take me if he wanted to, he’s big enough to do precisely that but something inside of me is telling me that he isn’t going to hurt me, and I don’t need to worry about it. I just hope that I can trust my gut.

“What’s going through your head right now?” He suddenly asks me, making me look up at him with surprise because it was definitely unexpected, “is everything alright?”

I just slowly nod, trying to decide where to go from here, “yeah, I’m okay. Is everything alright with you?”

His eyebrows furrow slightly and his lips twitch, “yeah, I’m doing alright. I really can’t complain too much if I’m being honest due to everything that I have been through. I hope that you know that I’m probably the best pick out of everyone, I hope you know this.”

I don’t like a man who gloats, even if he is an alien, “what’s your issue? I don’t get why you even saved me. What’s in it for you? You don’t seem like the kind of guy who was expecting to get someone like me.”

And that’s saying something. He had to get so much stuff with me in tow, as well as clothing. I don’t know what was going through his head about it because I don’t know why he was doing all of that for me. Wouldn’t that get him in trouble because they do not see us as equals.

“I wasn’t expecting to do it.” He agrees with me, shrugging his shoulders, “but I have no regrets. I’m just trying to make sure that you’re going to be safe, little human. I’m the best who will treat you right.”

“What is happening to the others?” I ask curiously, something telling me that I don’t want to know but at the same time, I do, “what is going to happen to them?”

He clenches his jaw almost immediately and I don’t like the look that appears on his face. It’s like he knows something that I don’t and he’s going to do everything in his power to hide it from me. I don’t like when things are hid from me, it makes me feel like a complete joke and I will tell him this as well. I just continue to look at him expectantly, hoping that he is just going to be honest, so I don’t have to murder him at a later point.

“They are being used.” He explains to me, making my stomach churn into knots, “by whoever bought them, they are now that warrior’s property to fuck, use, or even kill. It’s frowned upon to kill breeders, but it does happen due to the fact that the warrior doesn’t hold himself back. My kind are not small, and they do not take into consideration what they are inserting inside of their potential mate. It’s barbaric and rude, yes, I know this, but there’s quite frankly nothing that can be done about it. Not without causing a gigantic scene in front of the royal family and that never goes well.”

I’m just staring at him because I have no idea what is going through his head right now. He could be lying to me because why in the world could a race be so barbaric but the look in his eyes tells me right then and there that he isn’t lying to me. Rising to my feet, I move over to the window where I would be able to see everything and that’s when I see the women being tugged along by the alien men. Some have a collar around their neck and look a mess. I see their thighs are glistening and they are walking with a limp, and my stomach churns at the sight because why in the world can they look like that? Yeah, he wasn’t lying to me.

I feel my knees crumble beneath me and Krylox catches me before I fall. I feel oddly safe in his arms, like he’s not going to hurt me but how can I trust him when he is just like the rest of them? He has no reason to try to keep me safe, he owes me nothing. I wouldn’t even be able to blame him if he decided that he needs to push me aside and choose someone else. I don’t know how my heart would be able to take it.

I’m already almost a hundred percent sure of where this might end up going and I have to keep reminding myself that he is the enemy. If he wanted to, he could really hurt me and there’s nothing that I would be able to do about it. It’s a scary thought indeed and I don’t know if he knows what I am thinking but it seems like he is trying to comfort me the best that he can.

“I don’t know if you’ll believe me or not, but I can assure you that I won’t let any harm come to you.” He murmurs, running his fingers through my hair, “just tell me what you want, and I will do it for you. I will give you everything if you allow it of me. I will keep you safe, that’s my job to do for you. No one will harm you or take you from me.”

I’m not sure if he is just being kind or whatever because he owes me nothing. I don’t even know if this is the route that I want to go down, but he keeps making me feel like everything is going to be okay. It’s an odd feeling, one that I’m not so sure about but I keep looking at him expectantly. I just want to fall hard for him and allow him to be a part of my life. I mean, what’s the worst thing that would end up happening, right?