Chapter One
As the commander of a massive ship with numerous soldiers beneath me, I have a job to do, and I can’t allow anything to stand in my way. Of course, there are some who continue to do exactly that because they think that they have some power over me or like they are going to win or something, but they are very much mistaken once I’m done with them. I know how it might sound, and I do know that there’s only one way to deal with miscreants if they end up standing in my way and everyone who knows me knows that they will be dealt with accordingly. I hate that sometimes it has had to come down to this because I don’t believe that I am a bad person. I don’t think that I have truly done anything wrong to be treated the way that I was, but I also know that there is no way in hell that I am going to let others stand in my way.
Not if I have anything to do about it.
I have had numerous people try to approach me and take my position, like it was theirs to have. I took them down a few notches though and continued to show them why you don’t mess with someone like me, but it was pretty annoying when I had to keep continuously fighting these bastards off. I know that some of the men in my troop want me to lose because they can hold it against me but I’m going to have to keep showing them how it’s not going to work out the way that they want it to.
It irked me more than anything because of what I have been having to deal with and I wish that there was just something that I could do where I wouldn’t end up getting screwed over in the process. I know what this entails, and I know that the only thing that I can do at this point is accept my fate but the other part of me knows that it’s just not going to turn out the way that I want it to.
If anything, I’m going to end up getting my ass handed to me and then there would definitely be nothing that I could do about it. I have been going back and forth in my head as we are tracking down this Rogue alien, wondering how he got on my list. I don’t know what he did wrong but it’s becoming more and more apparent that he knows how to hide and he’s going to keep doing it because he knows that he can.
I hate little bastards like him.
They honestly think that they can just do whatever they want without any repercussions, and I can’t stand ones like that because I know there is just no way in hell that I’m going to be able to just accept it. I have been dealing with so much in my life and something like this has never been something I wanted to deal with. Unfortunately, no one has told me precisely why they are after him, and that raises the red flags a little bit as well because what are they hiding?
I have had so many people turn against me and I hated it because what the hell was their problem? I know we have been sent on the stupidest missions before, but I don’t know why they want to keep sabotaging me like they don’t have anything better to do. At times, I just wanted to smack them upside the heads because I didn’t understand them but the other part of me just knew that there was no way in hell that I was going to be able to do something like that.
I guess one way or another, I’m going to figure it out and the worst thing that could happen is I might end up doing something that I live to regret. I don’t regret my job, but I regret the people that I have worked with. Many of them don’t respect me and continuously keep making jabs at me because they know that I won’t be able to do anything about it. If I could kill them, I would, but I am trying to not stoop down to their level because at least I would know that I’m not the one in the wrong.
But where the hell is this alien? I keep going over my notes, knowing that there’s no way he could have gotten far from where he had been spotted last. I guess he had been injured during the previous attack not too long ago and is sporting a nasty wound. I don’t know why but it definitely made me feel a little bit bad for him because I have to say that I don’t honestly think that he had done anything wrong. From the sounds of it, he is being framed for something and they aren’t even trying to find the real culprit. That makes me even more mad because what the hell is their problem with that? It makes no damn sense if you ask me.
I believe in fair justice and unfortunately for this man, I don’t believe he is getting it. I wouldn’t normally stick up for someone like him, but I can’t help but let my heart be swayed just a little bit. I know what it’s like to get screwed over, to end up getting everything handed to you like it never really mattered. If I had it my way, I would have told each and every one of those bastards to kiss my ass. Unfortunately, he just might end up dying.
I know that this is the unfortunate reality for someone like himself and I wish that there was something more that I could do but I have a job to do. Everything that I have done has been for myself and I have to maintain this code of honor, or I will not be able to get away with it. I do hope that he might forgive me though because why in the world would he accept something like that? I know it might be a bit ridiculous, but it’ll be alright.
“Let’s split up and cover more ground.” I tell my soldiers, seeing how they don’t look too sure about this, “I don’t think that he could have gotten far with his wounds so I’m going to trust that you bring him to me alive. I don’t want to have to explain why we have a dead alien on our hands.”
“Yes, commander!” They say in unison before taking off in different directions.
I go off on my own, something that I have always done. I don’t know precisely what I’m looking for, but I am a skilled tracker, I do know what I’m doing, and I don’t let anything hold me back. It didn’t take me long to find broken twigs and branches, making me know that something big had come through her. I follow the trail, feeling a bit curious because I know that the alien is definitely going through a lot, but I don’t know if he knows what is going on at this moment. Tilting my head to the side, that’s when I notice the blood.
Following the trail, I come to a cave, and I can hear a slight heavy breathing inside. I go in, careful because I don’t know if he is going to attack me. My light shines through the cave or else I won’t see and that’s when I notice him. If it wasn’t for his large black horns and swishing tail, I would have assumed him to be human. He looks up and I see his shaggy black hair covered with blood and dirt and how tired his blue eyes seem. My stomach churns because I have no idea if I’m making the right decision here, but I smile at him, hoping that I can remain friendly.
“Elarix?” I call out to him, noticing him stiffen, “My name is Harper Kane, I have been tasked with finding you. I know this might be a bit scary right now, but you need to trust me and come with me. I can’t protect you unless you come with me.”
“You won’t protect me.” He grumbles, looking away from me, “I haven’t done anything to those people and now they just want to kill me because I won’t abide by their customs. I’m sorry, I don’t wish to be forced to take a mate. I…”
He stops and lifts his nose into the air, sniffing. I don’t know what he is smelling but his head whips around and he stares at me with shock, as if he is realizing something. I don’t know if I like that look on his face, something telling me that I better turn around and run away before he catches me. I take a step back as he gets to his feet much quicker than an injured man should and starts to walk toward me.
Out of instinct, I raise my gun, knowing I can hurt him if I have to, and he easily swats it out of my hand. My lips parted with surprise because I didn’t expect that at all as he suddenly took my hand and drew me closer. The gun is ripped away from me and tossed aside before his fingers dive into my hair and all of a sudden, he is kissing me. I let out a startled noise because I wasn’t expecting that at all, and he didn’t allow me to move away though. He is kissing me like his life depends on it and maybe it does right now, but I don’t know why he is kissing me this way.
Like he might end up dying unless he continues to get a piece of me.
I whimper with need as I lean into his kiss, having been craving the touch of a man for a long while but no one was attractive enough for me. He’s helping me out of my clothes, making me wonder if I should really be doing this but screw the consequences. Neither one of us stops until I’m naked and he easily lifts me up, something an injured alien shouldn’t be able to do, and he’s guiding himself inside of me.
I let out a strangled gasp as he moved inside of me, feeling like I’m being stretched to the max. I love it, kind of wondering if maybe I’m doing too much but he is thrusting inside of me like his life depends on it, like he is going to die if he doesn’t keep moving within me. I just enjoy every second of it, loving him and making sure that I’m going to be alright in the process. Like I have said before, I can’t be a hundred percent certain that this is the road that I want to go down, but I live with no regrets.
If anything, I’m going to just die right here and be happy doing it.
Before I realize what is happening, my orgasm rips right through me and I’m left a moaning mess. I cling to him as I release and I feel him throbbing inside of me as he releases inside of me, digging his teeth right into my neck. It hurt but it also felt good, it was a strange feeling.
I didn’t know what these actions would affect until it was too late.
Chapter Two