Two months have passed since that day with Elarix, and I didn’t let anyone find out about it. After the best sex that I have had in my entire life, I ended up knocking him out, getting dressed, and then I radioed my team. No one was suspicious of me, and I just had to hope that I didn’t smell like sex, or it was going to be over for me. I kept going back and forth in my head about it, trying to decide where to go from here but it wasn’t very easy, and I knew that I could easily make a mistake and there would be NOTHING that I would be able to do about it.
It drove me crazy that someone was going to find out or that he was going to say something, but he never did. He was put in the dungeons of a remote prison that I do have access to, but I haven’t dared to go see him. I don’t know why I jumped him the way that I did, I honestly feel very ashamed of myself because I’m not that kind of person. I don’t let my lust get the better of me but the minute that he put his hands and lips on me, I was done for.
I allowed myself to be swept away by him and I don’t regret that part because why should I? What would honestly happen if I ended up allowing something like this to happen? What could be the worst thing that would end up happening? I didn’t have an answer at the time but now I am.
“You’re approximately two months pregnant.” Dr. Rachel murmurs, putting away her little wand as she looks at me curiously, “But Harper, you told me that you were not interested in any men on the ship, and I know there’s only one way you could have sex with someone and get pregnant and that would be on this ship. Who’s the dad?”
I’m stunned because I don’t know what to think or do. I already know who the father is because I have only slept with one person since boarding this ship and that’s the alien that is now locked away in a prison. The prison that I put him in. I don’t know if he hates me or regrets me, but I don’t know why I care either. Why should I care? It’s not like we were actually in a relationship or something. I know that the only thing for me to do is to just allow myself to be swept away by him, but I didn’t realize how much this would end up screwing me.
“What’s going through your head?” Dr. Rachel asks me curiously, raising an eyebrow, “You don’t look so good.”
“I’m okay.” I assure her, trying to not think about much else, “I think that I’m just in a little bit of shock because I had no intention of EVER allowing this to come to light, but I see that it’s probably because I didn’t think that I could get pregnant. I… What do you think?”
“I think that you should ask yourself if you even want the baby.” She murmurs, smiling softly at me, “And once you figure that out, I think you need to talk with the father and see how you two will make it work. It’s going to be very hard to lead this ship and be a mother, Harper, I hope you are aware of this.”
“I am very aware of it.” I assure her, wondering if anything could go more wrong, “but what I don’t understand is that I’m on birth control. I shouldn’t be able to get pregnant.”
“Birth control isn’t always a hundred percent effective.” She explains to me, smiling softly, “And two, if the male has a high sperm count, it might not even matter. I want to run some tests so make sure to bring him to me.”
I don’t know how she would even react if she learned that my partner that I had sex with was a Rogue alien. She would probably look at me like I was crazy and then ask what the hell I was thinking. Honestly, I don’t even know what I was thinking but what I do know is that I’m not going to allow anything to stand in my way. If I have to go and talk to him about this, I will, but I can’t have anyone finding out about it.
“I’ll think about it.” I assure her, running my fingers through my hair, “But I do hope you realize that this could very well turn out to just die right? I don’t know how I’m going to be able to carry this baby… I guess I have a decision to make.”
Something tells me that I don’t want to get rid of the baby, but I also don’t want to give up my career. I might not have a choice because if someone learns about this, I know I could be screwed. Knowing I can’t put this off any longer, I march out of the examination room, leaving Dr. Rachel to just watch me leave. I hope that she didn’t deem it as rude, but I know that there’s only one way that I’m going to get through this. I just have to decide what to do about it.
Running my fingers through my hair, I think long and hard about my next steps. First, I need to get to Elarix, that is going to be my main goal…
I really hope that I don’t end up regretting this.
Chapter Three
There are worst things that being stuck in a cell and that is being away from your mate. After our moment together, I haven’t seen her since, having woken up in this cell. It hurt because it’s obvious that she gave me up but then why did she kiss me and have sex with me? Why did she mate with me and seemingly feel everything that I was feeling? I hate this. I just need her. I don’t know if she is even feeling the loss of me, but it does upset me that she has not even come to visit me. The days have turned into weeks, and I even think months have passed as well. It upsets me even more to know that she doesn’t even care that I’m here and she’s elsewhere.
I wish that I could just be hers and not let anything get to me, but I don’t think that is going to be the case. I think she has just decided that this is going to be it for us. I could tell that she is a warrior, someone that definitely can’t be messed with. I’d love nothing more than to just make her mine and take her as my own, but I know there is no way she’s going to just accept me without taking some of the heat. She would probably have to go against her people for me and I know that isn’t going to even be the case.
I hate this.
I wish that she was just by my side.
Running my fingers through my hair, I think long and hard about what I’m going to do next. I can’t be completely certain of where this is going to go or even how, but something is telling me that something is about to happen. I lean against the wall, gazing at nothing because there’s not much to do in this tiny cell. I want nothing more than to make sure that everything falls right into my hands, but I have decided that there is just nothing that I’m going to be able to do about it. I keep trying to think about maybe breaking out of here but where would I go?
Would I be able to even find a home for myself? Would I just continue to be on the run? I don’t think that is the kind of life that I want to live anymore and I’m just holding onto the hope that everything is going to just be fine. I keep trying to tell myself that it will be fine because how else am I going to make sure that she knows it? I know it might be a bit ridiculous but something inside of me is screaming towards the fact that this might be the only way to keep myself happy.
And she’s far away from me.
As if someone is trying to do right by me, I immediately stiffen up when I realize that someone is walking my way. I don’t know why but I know it is her, but something else doesn’t feel right. I rise to my feet, wondering why I feel so uncertain but giddy at the same time. It’s quite the feeling and when I finally see her, I see how haggard she looks, like something has been happening to her. I was going to open my mouth to say something until I saw the slightly swollen belly bump.
My mouth goes dry because I honestly can’t believe what I am seeing. I don’t want to believe it. I want to think that she’s going to be alight and that I didn’t screw her over, but I should have known that it wouldn’t be the case. I should have known that the moment we were together, a baby would have been created.
My stomach churns but I can’t go to her. Although I do have room, I am chained to the wall and there’s no way that I could reach the bars. The guards have been making sure to leave my food barely in reach so it’s not easy to get to and there’s no way I’m going to be able to get to her. I just can’t believe what I am seeing.
“You’re pregnant.” I murmur softly, tilting my head to the side, “I… I don’t know why but that was unexpected.”
“I would go and blame you but I’m at fault for it as well.” She murmurs, folding her arms across her chest, “I have been having bad morning sickness. Is this because you’re not around?”
I don’t know how to answer that, “Possibly. I know a lot of mothers of my kind get sick when the father isn’t around, and it could be the same for you. I’m sorry.”