Page 52 of Owned

“Is that so?” He raises one eyebrow and crosses his arms while studying me carefully.


“How can I be sure?”

“You don’t need to be sure; I do.”

“That is all I need to know.” He kisses my forehead and returns to the form of blue smoke and shadows.


“Goodbye, my Little Ghost.”

He dissipates as if a wind burst through the room. Then my vision twists and my stomach churns once again until I am staring into the copper eyes of the male who has completely changed my life.

Idon’t know what to do. The vines have her, and there is no way to get her out of them. They have all been so still for too long. I am a fool for bringing her down here. I thought her blood would be the cure, but I was wrong. So selfishly wrong.

I’ve been so determined to find my sister that I put my mate in danger. If she dies because of this…I will follow her into the next realm.

The vines suddenly start moving once again. But Nyx is still unconscious. What…what if they drained her dry? FUCK!

“Nyx!” I scream, trying to get some kind of reaction out of her so that I know she is alive, but there is no reply. “NYX!” I try again—still nothing.

Slowly, she is lowered to the ground beside the bed, and the vines wither and die. She did it. She broke the curse. My beautiful, courageous mate did what no one else could.

I carefully lift her into my arms and prepare myself for the worst. But she breathes. A hiccupped laugh escapes me as tears distort my vision. She lives.

“My heart, please wake up.” I gently brush the hair from her face. “I need you to wake up. I can’t do this without you.” Her eyes flutter, and I am stunned, silent by the way they shine. “Fuck! You scared the shit out of me.” Unable to do anything else, I hug her fiercely and rock her.

“Poppa…” she rasps.

“Who?” I loosen my hold until I can look into her eyes.

“Poppa. He was there. I was transported back to when he was killed. He showed me how he made the curse and when the vines took hold of everyone who died that night’s soul. The female! The vines were coming out of her stomach!” She becomes frantic, trying to get out of my arms.

“They are gone now.” I try to calm her down, but it isn’t working. I help her to her feet and let her see it for herself.


“Is my sister.” I offer. My heart breaks for the one family member who understood me. She was the reason I began trying to make a difference, fighting back against the terror our father has brought upon everyone. “This is Rose.”

“I know. Your father forced her to feed from my father until he died. She didn’t want to do it. But she feared that all her hard work would have been for nothing if she didn’t. It was unfortunate that she got caught in the crossfire of our fathers. But Poppa said that the curse latched onto her because of her desire to keep your father’s cruelty from spreading. He told her to use it.”

A deep inhale of breath has us both jumping and running toward the bed.

“Rose!” I reach for her just as she sits straight up in the bed.

“Where is he?” she growls. Her red curly hair is a mess, and her eyes are just as bright as Nyx’s when she woke up.

“Probably in a meeting,” I answer, knowing exactly who she is talking about. She moves to get out of the bed, and I stop her. “Rose, you have been—”

“In bed long enough.” She pushes past me with barely any effort, stronger than anyone I have ever met.

She doesn’t care that her clothes are in tatters as she storms through the passageway and down the halls. I keep a firm hold on Nyx’s hand, terrified that if I let go, I’ll lose her for good. We race after Rose until she stops in front of the giant doors of the council room. With a single kick, both doors burst, revealing a crowd of shocked faces.

Nyx and I stare after her in awe of her fury and out of the way of her vengeance.

“What is the meaning of this?” Father yells.