Page 53 of Owned

“The Lost Princess.” Whispers build around the room, and soon, they are all looking toward their king for an explanation. He told the Kingdom that she was either dead or lost on the other side of the forest. But according to Nyx, he knew exactly where she was the entire time.

“Don’t play stupid, Father. It doesn’t suit you,” Rose seethes. “If you value your life and the life of your family, you will leave now,” she says to everyone else in the room.

Every. Single. One of them leaves without question. In their haste to separate themselves from the situation, chairs hit the floors and walls with loud clangs. That is what happens when you rule with fear: zero loyalty.

Father sputters frantically, looking around for an exit. Even if he did happen to get past my sister, I wouldn’t let him get far. Nyx wouldn’t let him get away, either. He must recognize that because he straightens his shoulders and faces Rose head-on.

“Alright, let’s finish this then.”

The words are barely out of his mouth before Rose is on him, letting out a war cry that would freeze the blood in even the most seasoned warrior’s veins. He tries to use his strength to bat her away, but she deflects it and plows into him. His arrogance has left him unprepared and they both fall to the ground, with Rose on top of him.

“My love!” My mother’s screech comes from the hall.

Before I can even blink, Nyx has her by the hair with a dagger against her throat.

“You would think that someone as old as you would be smart enough not to carry their dagger in plane sight,” Nyx laughs. “Oh, well. That just makes my job easier. Now watch as your daughter finally gets the justice she deserves,” she says against mother’s ear.

“Have I ever told you how incredibly sexy you are?” I ask my Mate, entirely impressed by her.

“Yes. But I am not opposed to hearing it often,” she smiles. And even as my father is being bled dry by my sister and blood is running down my Mother’s throat from her own dagger, I want to kiss this female until she can no longer think straight.

“I will tell you all kinds of things when I get you alone again.” Her answering smile is like a breath of fresh air. A sign that she has genuinely accepted us.

My sister’s scream pierces the air, and it is both terrifying and heartbreaking. I run to her and catch her right before she hits the ground while heavy sobs wrack her body.

“What about her?” Nyx asks, still holding on to my Mother.

“Slit her throat,” Rose hiccups.

And without a second thought, Nyx slides the blade across the pale throat of the Queen. She gurgles and tries to stop the bleeding, but soon falls to the floor in a heap, just like her husband.

Good riddance.

“Rose. I have missed you.” I breathe into my sister’s hair.

“What the fuck?” Tia’s rich voice fills the room, and I laugh. “Both of them?” Her question is hesitant. Almost like she fears, I will tell her that one of them is still alive.

“Both,” Nyx answers for me. “Oh! And we found Rose.”

“Rose!” Tia screams and runs to embrace her long-lost friend. “I have missed you so much. Where have you been? Are you alright? What happened?”

“Tia!” Rose hushes her with a laugh. “I will tell you everything. Help me get a bath first. I believe that terrible smell is coming from me.” Tia helps her up, but Rose stops before taking another step. “Don’t worry, baby brother; all is well now.” Then she pats me on the head and walks away.

“Oh, Felix,” Tia says, poking her head back around the door. “That thing you asked me to do is ready. I was on my way to get you. Have fun!” she chuckles before following my sister once again.

My sister. All this time, I thought she was lost for good. Or if I ever found her, it would death that greeted me. But she’s here. And Nyx…I study the triumphant glint in her eye and for the first time in my life, I feel complete.

“Are you tired?” I ask Nyx, standing and pulling her into my arms.

“No…do you have something in mind?” Her hand slide up my chest until she tangles her fingers into the hair at my neck and uses the other to push my glasses back up my nose. I groan and debate whether I should take her to her surprise or back to our bed. But then I remember how happy the surprise would make her and how I may be rewarded for it later.

“I do. Come with me.” I hold my hand out to her and my heart jumps with joy that she takes it without hesitation.

“Is it the thing Tia was just talking about?”

“It is a surprise,” I chuckle.

“I don’t like surprises,” she grumbles in the most adorable way.