Page 25 of Owned

“What? I didn’t do anything!”

“I recognize that look. If you kiss me, I will hit you over the head with a rock instead of snow.”

“Don’t threaten me with a good time unless you plan on following through,” I chuckle. To my surprise, she chuckles with me. She must not have been expecting it because she quickly shakes her head and gets to her feet.

“Anything else you want to bore me with?”

I look at the sky; I still have time to show her around before too many people arrive, but I don’t want to chance it. The best course of action will be to bring her back to my office. I’ll get some work done while watching her at the same time.

“Not today.” I get to my feet and offer her an arm. She stares at it warily but eventually gives in and tucks her icy fingers into its crook. “I have some work to see to, so we will return to my office.”

“What kind of work?”

This is it. This is my chance to show her we are fighting the same fight. I swiftly lock the door again and tuck her hand back into my arm.

“Since the first snow showed up early, we need to put some things into motion.”

“Like?” she asks, as if I have frustrated her with my lack of details. But again, I can only say so much until we are back in my office. Nothing can be heard through that door. I made sure of that.

“All in good time,” I say, patting her hand and looking carefully down the corridor. Servants sit in alcoves along the way. Probably hoping to hear any bit of conversation that they can use as a bartering chip to help them move further up the ranks or to get some kind of privilege.

Nyx seems to understand as her eyes also track the movement that is picking up around us. She stays quiet and vigilant the rest of the way. Once I have us locked in the safety of my office, she lets the questions fly.

“What did you mean that there may be a reason you kidnapped me that is bigger than all of us? What could I possibly have to offer the Prince of the Keryth? Well… besides blood. But you don’t seem interested in that, not that I am complaining! Also, what things do you need to set in motion? Elani? Do you need to move your victims—”

“Nyx!” I stop her before she can twist anything I haven’t said yet. “Sit.” I point to the chaise lounge by the fireplace so she can start warming up.

“I don’t want—”

“Sit!” I demand. Her eyes widen slightly, but she obeys. “Many years ago, Tia and I saw how the winter months affect Elani in the lower city. And once I asked around about it, it was always the same answer: ‘Survival of the fittest.’” I sit beside her and take her small, scarred hand into mine. She struggles a little, but in the end, she allows me to hold it as I continue my explanation. Thank goodness, because I don’t think I could handle sitting so close to her and being unable to touch her. “We didn’t like that response. So, in one of the farthest reaches of the forest, there is a clearing. The soil is rich in nutrients and capable of handling a harvest. We have a summer field and a winter field. That way, something will grow all year round. We pass out the food to trusted Elani in the lower city, who distributes it to families in need. It isn’t much, but it is enough to reduce the number of deaths caused by starvation during those months. And if my father was to hear about it…”

“He would burn it all to the ground,” she finishes for me, understanding exactly what kind of male he is. “I had noticed the decrease in deaths but didn’t know what the change was. This whole time, it was you?”

“No. Not me. There are a dozen Elani and Keryth who have made this all possible. I have simply been able to keep all the paperwork in order, so nothing seems off in the numbers.”

“Which is a huge thing.”

“It isn’t. Not when there are those putting their lives in danger every day for this cause.” I release her hand and make my way toward my desk. “I have some work to do, so feel free to nap there or read anything in this library. We are going to be here a while.” I pick up a stack of papers off my desk to disguise myself as I sit and watch as she chews on her bottom lip, tracing the same path I did on her hand moments ago with her fingers.

I did it! I broke through her wall and started the process of her questioning everything. Soon…I will have her trust soon!

Focusing on the tome in front of me is useless. I have read it a hundred times, trying to understand these vines and how to eradicate them. But I find myself rubbing the rough patch of skin that is healing too quickly on my shoulder. I want it to stay. I want it to scar so I can always keep her mark on me. To remember that moment every fucking day. If I could only figure out how to get her to do it again.

My eyes once again roam over her body as she sits huddled on the chaise, looking so small, deceptively fragile, and…bored.

“You can read any of the books here,” I remind her. But she doesn’t answer or look away from the bright fire blazing before her. “Nyx?”

“I don’t want to read. Why am I here? Can’t I just go back to my room?” she pouts. And it is almost as cute as the little dance she says she doesn’t do while eating.

“No. I have work to do, and Tia is busy.”

“I don’t need a sitter. I can take care of myself.”

“You also ‘take care’ of people who anger you. I won’t have this castle flowing with blood.” Yet. I silently add.

“I have killed with my bare hands before, but that was long ago. I am now spoiled with my toys.”

“You could decapitate someone with a spoon if you were determined enough. And I know you are. So, as of right now, you are stuck with me.”