Page 26 of Owned

“Wonderful,” she huffs, placing her chin on her fist. “Can we at least talk about the vines under the castle?” My eyes shift to the bookshelf, but I quickly look away.

“No. But like I said—”

“If you say I can read something, I am going to shove every book in this room up your ass.”

“Such a wonderful imagination. I know of other ways we could put it to good use,” I chuckle, trying to pull her away from whatever thoughts plaguing her. Ever since my confession, her mood has been souring increasingly with each passing minute.

“Oh, I am imagining all kinds of things. But none of them you will enjoy,” she taunts.

“Are you sure, pet?” I know calling her that is asking for trouble, but I am almost desperate to be burned at this point.

“What did you just call me?” she grits out.

I lean back in my chair, interlock my fingers, and rest my hands on my stomach. Giving her the illusion that I’m at ease.

“Pet,” I draw out slowly. I can’t keep the smile from my face as her eyes blaze brighter than the fire at her back. There she is—the woman who has stolen my heart.

I am so distracted by their deep depths that the book flying through the air nearly hits me in the face. The spine lightly brushes against my glasses, tilting them slightly. But I don’t look away. I fix them while watching her stand, clenching her fist.

“I hate repeating myself, but since you seem to be the stupidest Royal ever, I will say it once more for you. Don’t. Call. Me. That.”

“Or what?” I try to keep it smooth and controlled, but the excitement at the prospect of her taking the chance to attack has me leaning forward in my chair.

“Are you turned on by this?” Her lips draw back with her disgust.

Not wanting to intimidate her, but because I can’t seem to stay away any longer, I try to get to my feet. Of course, she doesn’t know that, so she does the only logical thing to her.

With the full force of her anger, she plants her heel into my chest and knocks me back into my chair. Unwilling to let her have the upper hand, I grab her extended leg and pull her onto my lap.

“If you were so desperate to touch me, all you had to do was ask, pet.” Her temper flares to its boiling point, and I know I have her exactly where I want her. “But it would be much more fun without all these clothes.”

Without another word, she throws her head forward, connecting with the bridge of my nose and knocking my glasses askew. Blood, accompanied by excruciating pain, explodes through my face, providing her with the distraction she needs to escape.

Fortunately for me, I am quicker than her. I blindly reach out and pull her back to me.

“Nice try,” I say, righting my glasses and pulling her firmly onto my lap. “You drew blood once again, Hellcat. That is usually punishable by death—”

“You dese—” I place my finger over her lips to stop her excuses. She doesn’t need them. Little does she know that no matter how many times she tries to kill me, I will never try to retaliate.

“Would you like to go to the dungeons for your infraction?” I ask carefully. I honestly have no idea how she will answer the question and I regret asking it immediately.

“If I do?” Her unbearably soft lips brush against my finger, and it takes every ounce of my self-control to stay focused on the conversation. And even though I could respond with a million different quips to get her to agree to stay with me, I allow her to work it out. I trace the lines of her cheek down to her jaw and follow the curve of her neck with my fingers. “No. I don’t want to go to the dungeons,” she grits out. “In fact, I want to go home.” She slaps my hand away, breaking the spell her skin had on me.

“Well, since that won’t be happening, and you want to stay out of the dungeons, then I need to find a way for you to make it up to me.” My smile is slow as I think of something to torture her with. “And I know just the thing.” I reach over to my desk and lift a hefty tome to hold out to her. She eyes it wearily.

“And how will this help?”

“You will read all the books you wanted to shove up my ass to me.” Her eyes widen as she looks from the book to me.

“I choose dungeons.” She moves to get off of my lap, but I hold her firmly in place.

“Too late. You already said you didn’t want to stay there. This is your only option.”

“Well, if I won’t read and you won’t let me go to the dungeons, then we are at an impasse, sir.” She crosses her arms over her chest with a self-satisfied grin. But I am already prepared for her defiance.

“Then I guess a few kisses will suffice.” I lean forward slowly so she has time to make up her mind. And just like I knew she would, she grabs the tome from me and holds it tight to her chest.

“Keep your bad breath to yourself. I will figure this shit out!” She scrambles off my lap, and I let her go this time.