“I’ll come back to visit often,” I promise. With or without her. I dip to kiss her on the cheek and leave before the pain knocks me to my knees.

The drive down Meadow Lane is bittersweet, and when I turn at the intersection with Main, Ken and Earl wave at me passing by. I stay numb, as frozen as I can, but when I’m high in the air on my private jet, on the flight back to New York, that shell thaws. I boil in anger at how this all unfolded.

I can’t go after Lauren. I have to respect her choice. But that doesn’t mean I can’t say my piece. I call her father. Jamie Hendrickson came crawling to me for backing to start up his biggest vineyard. It’s been a while since I chatted with the guy, and never like this, with a bone to pick.

“Caleb?” he answers, shocked. “Of all people I thought I’d get a call from, it wasn’t you.”

I glower at the back of the seat in front of me.

“My son-in-law, well, my future son-in-law, was just telling me that you met my daughter and—”

I didn’t care for the details. Jeremy would’ve skewed them in his favor. “Does Lauren have a prenup?”

He splutters. “I’m not sure that’s something you need to know.”

“Does. She. Have. A—”

“Yes. Yes, of course she does. You know I wouldn’t risk not having one. Lauren stands to inherit her trust fund this winter, and with the Kleins’ previous bankruptcy record, it’s only smart.” He huffs. “Not that it’s any of your business.”

Lauren, whether he likes it or not, is very much my business. She always will be, despite how she cast me aside. I can’t carve out the impression she’s left on me, and I wouldn’t want to anyway. Those memories will be comforts I take to the grave.

“Quite frankly, I’m shocked. I can’t believe you’re the man who’s been hooking up with Lauren while she had her little snit of taking off.”

Little snit? I clench my teeth, keeping my anger in check.

“I heard you were trying to get her to stay in the boonies with you. To stop the wedding.”

“The wedding she doesn’t want.”

“Lauren doesn’t know what’s good for her.”

“And you do?” I snap.

“Look, I’m sensing a bad vibe here.”

No shit.

“I’m just saying I was surprised is all. Lauren’s not the epitome of beauty.”

I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose, fuming.

“We’re good, right?”

“Good?” I retort.

“You know what I mean. You’re a key investor for my vineyards.”


He stalls, stuttering as he find an answer. “Wh-What do you mean?”

“I mean, up until this phone call, I was willing to continue to invest in you.”

“Hey, take it easy, Caleb. Let’s not be ridiculous now.”

“Like forcing your daughter to marry that asshole isn’t ridiculous?”

“Lauren? She’ll be fine. Jeremy will keep her leashed and in control.”