“Yeah. We were together. The asshole drove by, seeing where she was staying. I didn’t want him to come back and cause trouble there. Marian, the owner, doesn’t need that kind of conflict when her business was picking up. So, I chased him down and found him in town. I warned him away, and when I got back, I did my best to calm Lauren down and persuade her to stay.”

“And she…did?” he guessed hesitantly.

“No. I woke up and told her how I felt. How I really felt. Man, I told her the truth.”

“That you really like her?”

I grunt. “No. That I love her.”

“Jeez. What the hell is in that mountain air? Is it altitude sickness?”

I groan.

“Wait, you’re serious? You love her?”

“Why else would I have told her that if I didn’t?”

He scoffs. “Oh, I don’t know, to convince her to stay.”

“But I do, man. I love her.”

“Wow.” He laughs once, mirthlessly. “I don’t know what to say.”

“But she was convinced I don’t deserve her drama. That it’s not right for me to be saddled with her trouble.”

“And you let her leave? Why aren’t you going after her already?”

I reach the creek and shove my hand in my pocket, staring at it wistfully. “Because Lauren’s never been able to make her own decisions.”

“Except this one.”

I nod, even though he can’t see it. “Who am I to argue?” No matter how much it hurts.

Talking with Dalton didn’t help, but it made me consider leaving early. According to the emails and texts that came to my phone, things seemed to be slowing down at home. My publicist wanted me to stay for two more weeks, but I’m done. Chatting with Dalton helped more than moping, and it’s time I move on from the absence of Lauren in my life.

I tell Marian when I return, and she’s not surprised. “When will you go?”

“Tomorrow morning.” I’m too exhausted to drive anywhere tonight.


First thing the next day, I drag my suitcase down to the foyer where I first convinced myself I would make Lauren mine.

“You don’t need to refund me for leaving early,” I tell Marian.

She stands behind the check-in desk and sighs. “I appreciate that, Caleb.” Her tone is strong, but I see the grief in her eyes. She’s a mess, and I don’t hesitate to approach her and pull her in for a big hug.

“I suppose I can’t blame you for not wanting to be here without her.”

I kiss the top of her head and sigh. “Everything will be okay.” One day.

“Please. Can’t you go after her?” she begs, staring up at me with hopeful eyes.

It kills me. To hear her ask the very thing I hold myself back from doing. “What good would that do? You heard her. She’s made up her mind, and not even I could change that. I can’t do anything if this is what she really wants.”

“I can’t see how it is!”

You and me both.