“I was gonna wait, Del. But I guess now is as good a time as any,” I said, getting her inside the hall where it was warm, but still secluded. “I know it’s too soon, but open it, and I’ll explain.”

Delani’s big beautiful blue eyes met mine, and she opened the box. She wiped tears, looking up at me as she took out the shiny key on a silver keyring from Tiffany’s.

Her hand covered her mouth.

“Sonny? What does it mean?” she asked, backing up a step.

That small move hit me like a punch to the gut, but I couldn’t afford to back off. I allowed her space, but I went ahead with my plan to tell her everything I felt.

“It means I love you, Delani Whitman. I have since the moment I saw you moving in next door all those months ago?—”

“But you hated me on sight!”

“No, I really didn’t. If you only knew how I watched you, thought about you. Fuck, Del, you take up all the room in here, and here,” I said, pointing to my head, then my heart. “And I don’t want anyone else in there ever. I know it’s soon and I know you aren’t there yet. But when it comes to you and me, Del, when it comes to us, I am fucking there. I am so there.”

“You are?”

“Hell yes. I am in this, one hundred and ten percent, Baby. I only want to be with you. So, I had that key made special for you. It’s to my place. Only, I don’t want it to be my place anymore.”

“You don’t?”

“No, Baby, I want it to be our place. That key is me asking you to move in. I understand you might have reservations, and no pressure. We can go at your pace. For now, you can use it to come and stay and go whenever you want.”

I took a step closer to her, slowly, looking for any sign she wanted to keep her space. But she didn’t back away again, and I thanked God for that. I kept talking, needing to get it all out in the open.

“This is me making my intentions known. This is me letting you know I have a bigger question to ask you. I’ll try to wait till I think you’re ready. But it’s coming, Del. I promise you,” I growled, my hungry eyes eating her up.

“I see,” she replied and sniffed, wiping her eyes.

“What does that mean?” I asked, needing some kind of reply despite acknowledging she needed time.

I was only human, for fuck’s sake, and I never claimed to be a saint.

Delani closed the distance between us. She slid her small hands up my chest and wrapped them around my neck.

Her sweet cocoa scent filled my nostrils, and my dick immediately hardened.

Did I mention I was a slave to my hunger for her?

Even though I was just inside her moments ago, I wanted her again. Now maybe more than ever.

I was desperate to hear her reply.

“That means I love you too, Sonny. And I’m ready to take a chance with you.”

“You mean it?”

“Yes. Yes, I mean it. Oh, Sonny, I love you, t—” but that was all she got out before I claimed her lips again in a kiss so damn heated I didn’t hear Buck coming up behind us until he dropped a handful of ice cubes down my shirt.


Then again, it was just the thing to do before I stripped my Del down in front of the entire fucking bar and the Blair Group, too.

My girl laughed as I chased my best friend, but I managed to get through the rest of the night, talking business and indulging in the delicious food the local restaurants and vendors had put together for this night.

It was spectacular. A great success. But the best of all was my Delani.

“Well?” she asked as we drove home several hours later. “Do you think they’ll go for it?”