This woman. This fabulous, gorgeous, sexy, generous, perfect woman had changed my whole fucking world, and she didn’t even know it.

She’d gone and done so much for me after all the hell I gave her and I was so fucking unworthy, but I swore to myself I would make up for it.

If it took the rest of my whole damn life, I would.

“Mmmm, Sonny,” she moaned, taking everything I gave her so fucking good.

I should’ve done better by her. Should have been able to control myself.

But I was like an animal and the only thing that could tame me was her.

My Delani.

I needed her.

“Yes, Sonny, I need you, too,” she whispered, and I knew I’d spoken aloud.

I broke our kiss for a minute, just to slip the condom on. Then I was back between her legs, lifting her against the wall and using gravity to our benefit.

Fucking the love of my life in the alley between our shops in the dark, cold of February in New Jersey might not sound romantic, but it was the hottest fucking thing I’d ever done.

Her pussy was primed. So wet and hot.

She felt amazing gripping me tightly as I pumped into her, my mouth claiming hers as ardently as my body. It was like some primal instinct had taken over and I needed her to feel, to see, to experience everything she made me feel.

It was too much. Too big. But I couldn’t stop it any more than I could change the tide.

“Sonny. Sonny. SONNY!” she moaned, and her walls tightened around me, milking me as I joined her climax with one of my own.

“Fuck, Baby. S’perfect. Taking my cock so good. You’re so fucking perfect, my sweet Delani. You alright?” I asked when I noticed her eyes were closed tight and she was still not speaking.

“Oh yeah, I’m fine,” she murmured, finally looking at me with her sparkly sapphire beauties.

“Happy Valentine’s Day,” she said, her beautiful, flushed face lifting to mine.

“Mmm. Happy Valentine’s Day, Baby. Sorry, I was too rough,” I said, but she just shook her head.

Delani pressed her lips to mine, softly, gently, and I knew she was okay with it. But just in case I didn’t know, what she said next cleared it all up for me.

“I like you rough, Sonny. I like you any way at all.”

And fuck if I didn’t fall for her a little more.

We stole glances at each other as we righted our clothes and fixed our hair before heading back inside.

She looked so good. Her hair, her dress, that well fucked look in her eyes.

She looked like mine, and I was crazy about her.

I took her hand and opened the door, but Delani was still as a statue behind me.

“What is it, Baby?” I asked, turning to look at her.

Then I saw it. She was holding the box I’d been hiding in my pocket all day and my pulse went into hyper drive.

“Sonny, this fell out of your pocket. What is it?” she asked.

Her breath came out in little clouds, and I knew the temperature was already dropping as evening fell. It wasn’t how I wanted to tell her, but it was now or never.