“Albert Blair seemed interested. His niece, not so much.”

“Well, she was interested alright, just not in your whiskey,” Delani replied, cute as fuck lips pursed.

“Saw that, did you?”

“Hell yes, I did. If I wasn’t working on the fountain’s motor, I’d have torn her hair from her head for touching you like that.”

“Fuck, Baby, you make my dick hard when you get all possessive.”

“Yeah, well, get used to it,” she replied with a naughty grin meant just for me. “I never loved a man like you. You’re special to me.”

That time her voice got all soft, and my heart thundered in my chest.

Damn. I loved her. So much, So fucking much.

“You know, I was wrong about them,” I told her honestly. “The Blair Group was something I obsessed about when I thought I couldn’t have my true obsession.”

“What’s that?” she asked, smiling down at the daisies I’d brought her.

Even with the flowers, all I could smell in the large SUV was the delicious chocolate scent my sweet Del brought with her everywhere she went.

So sweet and perfect.

“You, Del. You’re my sweet obsession. You’re my love. It’s always been you.”

“Take me home, Sonny. I want to hear you say that again when you're inside me,” she whispered, and I stepped on the gas.

Our relationship might have started a little unconventional. I’d always bitched about the smell of her candy shop in my bar. But that was just the frustration talking.

I knew in my heart I was never going to stop loving the scent of cocoa on Delani’s skin, or the taste of it when I kissed her.

She was mine now, and I was never letting go.


Four months after Valentine’s Day, I was all moved into Sonny’s place, well, our place now, and I had never been happier.

Buck and Jan both helped with the move, and Sonny and I only had to break them up twice. The two couldn’t seem to stop arguing, and we stepped in before it got too nasty.

It was very odd, since they seemed to get along so well when they’d first met. But I knew Jan, and well, she could be tough at times.

Buck seemed so sweet natured, but maybe that was because I was dating his best friend. Their relationship ran deep, and they acted more like brothers than pals, which I found kind of endearing.

Business was booming, and I’d hired two more employees to help with the online orders. Sonny’s label was really taking off, and the bar was becoming the place to be for people from all walks of life who enjoyed the idea of locally crafted liquor.

But that was the boring stuff.

The really good stuff happened between me and Sonny.

I’d wondered for a while if maybe my relationships failed because I was just a woman who was in love with the idea of love.

But that wasn’t it. The truth was, I was a woman who hadn’t found her soulmate yet.

But finally, he was here.

And even better, he loved me, too.

“Hey, Baby,” Sonny said as he walked inside the living room where I’d been sitting on the sofa curled up with a book.