Page 1 of Ruby Menace

Chapter One


I can’t find air.

It’s not my imagination. When I try to suck in a breath, it feels as if my lungs won’t fill.

“I’m Kirill’s wife.” The woman slants me a look as she walks into the room with brisk steps, her heels clicking on the marble floor. My first thought is that I need to get my ears checked. Did she say “wife?” Because I’m pretty sure it’s what I heard. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

It means the man you fell for is married, stupid.

That’s what.

Right. He has a wife. So, all that talk about wanting me to be his wife was nothing but bullshit. Kirill is a married man. They are family. What does that make me?

His property, you idiot!

He bought you, remember?

What the fuck did you expect?

I can’t find words. So, I just stand here, gawping like a guppy while the woman sweeps into the room with effortless grace. She’s tall, svelte, platinum-haired, and blue-eyed in a way that hints at Scandinavian royalty. But when she speaks, she has an accent that has the same rounded syllables as Kirill’s.

She’s Russian. Clearly. Just like he is. From the same heritage. And she’s beyond beautiful… I hate to admit it, but they even look good together.

They’re fucking married!

“Zoya,” Kirill interjects after a silence that feels like it’s stretched on forever.


Of course her name is fucking Zoya. Not Olga or Broomhilda or something less exotic. Nope. She has to have a name like something a cover model would have. And I hate her on sight.

“What is this supposed to mean?” Kirill goes on. She’s running those cool blue eyes over me, and from her expression, she finds me lacking. I instinctively straighten my shoulders and raise my chin.

“Could we speak someplace more private?” She slants her eyes at me and then back to him.

“No.” His tone is final. “If you have something to say, you can say it here. In front of everyone.”

There’s no mistaking the message. He’s trying to keep this transparent. At least there’s that.

There’s a flicker of annoyance on Zoya’s face before it’s replaced by a smooth smile. “Of course, milaya moya. I just thought that since this matter is so personal-”

“Get to the point.” Kirill has stiffened. I’ve never seen him like this. We’re still standing close enough for me to feel his scent, but he steps away now, facing her.

“Could we at least sit down?” She indicates the interior of the room, where there’s a comfortable sitting area.

“Fine,” Kirill snaps, turning from me and stalking toward the closest couch. He rests a hip against it, not sitting.

Dima is still hovering uncomfortably in the doorway. After a gesture from Zoya, he steps aside, and a dark-haired boy walks into the room, moving quickly to catch up with her. He can’t be older than six, or seven. His face and chubby limbs have the soft roundness of youth, but his eyes… there’s a darkness there that shouldn’t belong to a child. His lips are pressed into an anxious line, his head dipped low. His shoulders are slumped beneath a checked button-down that’s tucked into crisp denims over bright white sneakers.

As for Zoya, she sweeps toward a seat and sinks into it gracefully. She crosses one toned calf over her knee and leans back comfortably. As if this was not the most awkward moment any of us has ever been in. At least, I haven’t. I stand there staring like a fool while the boy takes a seat on the couch beside Zoya. She takes the little boy’s hand and holds it affectionately.

Kirill’s brow furrows. “What is the meaning of all this?”

“Aren’t you going to introduce me to your little friend, Kirill?” Zoya glances at me fleetingly. “After all, she knows who I am.”

“This is Tiana.” He aims a look toward me. “Come. Sit.” He jerks his head to the couch he’s resting against. I make my way there and sit down in front of him, trying hard not to feel like a kid who’s doing as I’m told.