Page 2 of Ruby Menace

“Tiana…” Zoya rolls the word around her tongue. “How sweet.”

“Zoya…” The word is a warning. Kirill rests his hand on my shoulder. It’s a moment of comfort in all the turmoil in my head.

“Of course.” She smiles charmingly. “I’m sure that your friend might want some background first, yes?” Without waiting for a response, she turns to me. “I am Zoya Vyronov, Kirill’s wife. I suspect he has not told you of me.”

I nod, worried about how my voice might come out if I try to speak.

“Of course he has not. That would have been rather inconvenient.” She flicks a look at Kirill, raising a hand as he opens his mouth to speak.

I hold my breath. Nobody silences Kirill. And yet, she doesn’t hesitate.

“Briefly,” she continues, “I was forced to leave my husband some years ago after his activities made me fear for my life.”

“Forced to leave? You deserted our marriage, Zoya.”

“In fear for my life!” She looks stricken for a moment. “I would never have abandoned you if I wasn’t sure I would end up dead. Or worse.”

“I told you that I would protect you, Zoya.”

She raises an eyebrow before turning back to me. “After the third attempt on my life – almost successful that time – I decided it was better that I go.”

“That was your choice.” His voice is ice cold.

“It was my only choice. You know that.” She takes a deep breath and looks down for a moment as if contemplating something. Then she looks up at Kirill. “But that doesn’t mean I’m proud of how I left things between us. I am sorry, Kirill.”

“Right.” Kirill is scowling. “You’re sorry. Is this what you have come here to say?”

“No. I’ve come here because your men dragged me here, thinking I needed saving. But since I’m here, I might as well tell you. This time away from you hasn’t been easy. I may have left, but… I never really got over you, Kirill.” Her eyes are suddenly filled with so much emotion, I almost feel sorry for her. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she’s putting on a show.

“What are you talking about?” Kirill’s eyebrows are up a few inches.

“I’m saying, I’ve been missing you, milaya moya. And this time away made me realize where I belong. And that is here. With you.”

Her words are followed by an eerie silence and I suck in a breath. Just minutes ago, I’d made up my mind that this was where I belonged. I want to look up at Kirill for reassurance, but I refuse to let this woman see that she’s getting to me. Not that Kirill would offer any comfort right now. Even he seems to be speechless. Unless he is keeping his temper in check.

Finally, it’s Zoya who breaks the silence. “I’m sorry, my dear,” she looks at me, her expression earnest. “This is why I wanted to talk to my husband in private. But maybe, it is best if you know the details of the situation.”

“And what might those details be, Zoya? You were gone. Stay gone.” Kirill takes control of the conversation.

“I knew you were going to say that. But I think you will reconsider.”

“And why would I do that?”

Through all of this, the little boy sitting pressed against Zoya’s side has remained silent. Now, she slides an arm around his shoulders and brushes a kiss over his forehead before looking back at Kirill.

“Kirill, this is Stepan.” She pauses, and I have no doubt it’s for dramatic impact. “He is your son.” She pats his shoulder. “Say hello to your Papa, Stepan.”

“My what?” Kirill shoots to his feet with such speed that I have no doubt that this is news to him. I choke out a little sound of alarm.

The child’s lips move soundlessly, probably too intimidated to get the words out. Who could blame him? I would feel the same way.

“He’s your boy, milaya moya.” Her eyes grow tender as she looks at the child. “Your heir. The Vyronov who will inherit all of this one day.” She sweeps an arm to encompass the room, and beyond.

My heart thunders so hard, I’m sure that it’s going to burst from my chest.


With a child.