“We can’t ask for more than that.” Colby was eager to end the dance that was taking place before too much was said too soon. Dorian turned to him and smiled.

"Thank you, Colby." He said, and Colby felt his emotions kick into high gear. Never had he ever felt so much for any individual as he felt for this diminutive human with a gorgeous smile.

"Anything for you, baby." He responded and was rewarded with a soft chuckle. He noticed Rex reach over and take Dorian's hand and thought the sooner they claimed this beauty, the better. The evening slowly ended with Paul promising to have dinner at Dorian's place next Saturday.

They hugged it out for a few seconds which was difficult for Sloan and also Colby and Rex. Having someone else touching ones adored was not usually allowed but this was a different circumstance, so attitudes had to adjust for a while anyway.

“Are you satisfied that Paul is with Sloan of his own free will and he is not being controlled or manipulated?” Colby asked as they rode the elevator back down to the underground garage.

"He's happy, and it's obvious that they love one another," Rex interjected.

"I agree that he is happy. I've never seen Paul so at ease and comfortable with someone the way he is with Sloan." He admitted. "I'm still going to write up the employment agreement even though Paul doesn't want it. It hurts no one and gives me a sense of peace that Paul is protected in case the worst happens."

"Sloan asked you to do it, so I see no problem with you completing the paperwork," Rex told him. "If it gives you peace, then do it."

"It hurts no one," Colby repeated Dorian's words.

“You can drop me off at work.” Dorian made the statement as they entered the vehicle.

“We’ll drive you home." Colby countered. "It's late, and your office is empty. We will see you home safely." Colby paused as Dorian weighed the implications of having them take him home, and thankfully, he felt no threat and gave them the go-ahead.

He gave them the address, which was just outside of town in a peaceful suburb. He and Rex had already completed a background on their adored and were well aware of his address but said nothing and gave the address to their driver.

“Do you rent or own?” Rex asked just to keep the conversation going.

"I rent." He said and then added. "I'm new in my profession, so no money for home purchases yet."

“Where would you like to buy?” Rex kept going.

"I'd like something large. I grew up in a small apartment with my grandmother and always envied the large spaces and room to stretch. The home I'm renting is on the small size with a small yard, which is fine because I hate yard work." He chuckled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to run on so long."

"You're fine; we love to hear you talk," Colby spoke for both of them. Colby took his hand once again, and Rex placed his hand on Dorian's thigh. He again accepted the intimacy and even covered Rex's hand with his own. The pull was working marvelously.


This had been a night full of firsts and many surprises. Paul was solidly behind Sloan and was ready to fight anyone who implied their relationship was anything less than heaven on earth. Dorian could see that Paul was crazy in love with the guy and also had to admit that Sloan appeared smitten with him as well. Whether it lasted a day or an eternity was not Dorian's business. He needed to take a step back before he inadvertently caused a rift in his friendship with Paul.

"Thank you for seeing me home." He offered his gratitude as they approached his street and pulled into the driveway of his rented little bungalow. It was part of a new build and not one of the many historical places that existed around the area. His house looked exactly like all the others in this little enclave, apart from the wild rose bush he'd planted by the front door. It gave the place a bit of an identity, setting the house apart from the others. Wild roses were also considered to have the power to repel evil, so there was that added security.

"We'll walk you to the door," Rex said, and they got out of the car. Rex held his hand this time, and Colby came around the car to place his hand on the small of Dorian's back. The contact was personal and beyond friendly it spoke to being possessed owned even and it should have had Dorian backing away, but he liked it.

These two guys, these brothers, had gotten under his skin in seconds flat, and they continued to work their way into his thoughts and considerations. Their touch was hypnotic and something he was beginning to crave. He thought perhaps a glamour was involved, but he'd experienced a glamour before, and it had been nothing like this. The glamour caused him to black out as if drugged and left him with no memory and a wicked hangover.

He was not drugged or spaced or lacking control. In fact, he felt energized and alive, filled with excitement. This was amazing, and the source was Colby and Rex. They walked up to his door, and when he unlocked it and swung it open, he decided he didn't want them to leave. He turned to them, first one and then the other. "Would you like to come in . . . maybe have a drink." He stuttered slightly, but he got his answer immediately.

"Yes." They said at the same time, and Colby signaled the driver to leave. They quickly hustled him inside and closed the door. The brothers stood so close Dorian could hardly breathe, and it was a wonderful feeling. Being enveloped by them sent shivers up his spine and made his heart race with anticipation. They towered over him so tall and smelled like sex and want his mind was filled with images he had no right to but could not dispel.

“I’ll get you that drink. I have whiskey and gin and beer. . .” His voice trailed off when Rex’s hands ran down his front and Colby came from behind and gripped his shoulders then began kissing his neck.

"All we want is you, baby," Rex whispered in a deep gravel tone against his ear while his hand gently smoothed down the front of his pants, pressing the growing hardness beneath. Dorian felt his senses go into overload with their touches and intent. He should stop this, but he just couldn't force himself to say the words. It had been too long since anyone had touched him, and no one had ever touched him like this.

"Take us to your room, sweetheart," Colby spoke, and suddenly they were moving, Rex and Colby still holding him, kissing him, and telling him lovely things. Dorian brought them to his room, and when he went to turn on the light, Colby stopped him and instead switched on the nightlight by the bed.

“Are we really doing this?” Dorian let his thoughts out as they continued to touch him and slowly stripped off his clothing.

"I wanted you the minute I laid eyes on you," Rex stated.

“I knew that we are meant to be.” Colby said and pulled Dorian in for a kiss that made his lips throb with desire so perfect and deep and sensual. “You know it too.”