They pulled up to a bank of elevators, and Colby got out. He then reached his hand back to Dorian while Rex exited from the opposite side. Dorian took the offered hand and got out to stand next to Colby. Rex came up beside him, and they entered the elevator. Dorian was wondering why they felt the need to constantly flank him. He also noticed that Colby was still holding his hand and Rex had his hand at the small of his back.

It was a strange feeling that ran through him with their continued close proximity and intensified by their touch. Their combined scent was filling his system and turning him on to the point of shuffling his feet in an attempt to ease his arousal. Colby tightened his grip, and Rex pulled him closer in response, which just ignited his desire.

"You smell like heaven," Colby whispered while leaning close to Dorian's ear.

"And you look like an angel." Rex added just as the doors opened into a foyer and standing there was Paul and Sloan. Paul walked forward and put his arm around Dorian's shoulders and both Colby and Rex had to take a step back. Dorian immediately felt the loss of their warmth and support.

"I'm so glad you're here." Paul gushed and directed Dorian over to Sloan, who looked suspicious and guarded. "Sloan, this is my best friend Dorian Haskel. Dorian this is the love of my life Sloan Dobre." Sloan extended his hand, and Dorian shook it but did not linger as he had with the brothers. Sloan's grip was forceful and commanding but not dominating as Dorian had expected but it totally lacked the warmth and mystery of the brothers.

“Pleased to meet you Dorian.” He smiled at Paul’s declaration. “I love you too baby, always.” He then reached over and pulled Paul close. It was touching and seemed real. The moment Paul was pulled away the brothers stepped back up on either side of Dorian as if taking their rightful positions.

A quick glance around at everyone there and then Paul motioned for them to head into the dining room since dinner was prepared and waiting. Dorian sat with Colby on one side and Rex on his other. They weren’t as close as before, but they went out of their way to touch him as often as was appropriate and acceptable. He didn’t mind and actually looked forward to the next touch.

Paul discussed his new position with Agincourt Bank, which sounded impressive and well-deserved. Paul was very good at his job, and his previous employers never appreciated or compensated him as they should have.

“What happens if you and Sloan break up?” Dorian made the sharp comment, and all talk ceased for a few seconds. "Do you have a contract, and may I read it?" Dorian continued. Paul looked shocked, and he noticed the brothers appeared to lean closer to him as if it were a protective move, but it was Sloan who was the surprise.

He finished what he was eating and then looked over at Dorian with an indulgent smile. He wasn’t upset or flustered in the least he seemed to have been expecting it. “There is no contract but if you would care to, please write one up that you feel is appropriate and protects Paul’s interests and I will sign it.” He spoke calmly and amiable, but Paul was not so calm.

"That's not necessary." He barked and gave Dorian a look that could kill. "You don't know him like I know him, and if you did, you'd know that he is the very best man to ever come into my life." Dorian realized he'd touched a nerve, so he fell silent.

“What we have is for life and I know it to the depth of my bones and no contract is going to make things better. I know for a fact that if I am removed from my job that there is a good reason for it and is probably in my best interest. I trust him that much Dorian.” Paul leaned across the table punctuating his statement buy staring Dorian straight in the eyes and daring him to say more.

“You friend worries because he is your friend. Don’t be angry with him for caring.” Sloan stated and gently eased Paul back and placed his arm around him.

“I honestly do not know how you can be so sure so fast, but I respect your right to make your own choices. I apologize if I offended anyone here.” Dorian backtracked even though he was still undecided as to whether he believed the love at first sight story they were peddling.

"No one is offended," Sloan assured.

“I’m a little offended.” Paul stated and gave Dorian another stern stare. Dorian felt Colby’s hand take his on the left and Rex’s hand come to rest on his left thigh. It was odd but exceedingly comforting he did not resist or complain.

"I know you are, but you're my friend, and you will forgive me," Dorian said with a sly grin.

“Yes, I will," Paul told him, and he smiled. The tension was broken.

Colby held Dorian’s hand when the tension in the air began to spark. Rex had also felt it and reached over to provide stability. Their adored was honest and direct but maybe lacked discretion. He had something to say, and he was damn well going to say it. It was both endearing and disconcerting.

Dinner was going well it seemed until things became heated, but Sloan diffused the situation as fast as it had arisen which spoke to his stellar reputation for diplomacy. Dessert was finished in near silence and then everyone retired to the balcony for drinks. Sloan’s quarters had a lovely view of the water and the city lights at night.

He'd caught Rex's eye several times during the evening, and he seemed to also be on edge. They needed to stay close to Dorian, but the dinner party did not provide what they needed. Somehow, they had to convince Dorian to go home with them. They needed him alone. The conversation was light, and Paul kept pulling him and Rex into the discussion, allowing them to learn more about Dorian.

“Do you visit New Orleans often?” Rex asked when the information of his hometown was brought up.

“Not since my grandmother died three years ago. She was the only thing that brought me back without her, there is nothing for me there. Colby made the decision to bring up the paranormal as it related to New Orleans. It might be a bad idea, but it might also get things rolling.

“There’s a very robust supernatural front existing in New Orleans do you know anything about it?” He wanted to see if Dorian would admit to his own knowledge and perhaps suspicions.

“My grandmother was well versed in the paranormal so yes, I know quite a bit about it.” He paused before expounding. “Vampires are the largest population followed by magics and witches. I’ve heard of shifters, but I’ve never come across one that I am aware of.”

"Do you believe in the paranormal?" Rex asked, and it was obvious that everyone was hanging on to Dorian's every word. Dorian looked around at those seated there, specifically Sloan, Rex, and Colby.

“Yes, I do.” He said with conviction.

"So do I," Paul interjected. "And it is not all bad like the experiences you had. There are good and bad in every species. Don't judge everyone based on a few." That was damn powerful and both Colby and Rex sat and waited for whatever was coming next. Paul had laid out the truth without making any sweeping statements or declarations. Rex took a long sip of his whiskey and then added to the conversation in much the same tone as Paul.

“New Orleans is notorious for the darker arts which colors every group that it touches be they vampire, mystic, witch, shifter or human.” Dorian had yet to comment but he was listening.

Dorian finished his drink and set it aside. He then spoke in general to no one in particular. “I am cautious and watchful. I admit that my early life experiences have influenced my beliefs and expectations, but I hope to never be guilty of judging all on the behaviors of a few.”