Page 47 of When I Had You

“I’m afraid there’s no saving you.” The little lift at the corners of her mouth has me catching my breath. Why do I feel like that will happen every time I see her?

Tilting around, she smiles at Cullen. “And who are you?”

“I’m a sloth.”

“A sloth?” she replies in delight. “I love sloths. Did you know some are three times stronger than humans?”

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Cullen’s arm fan out. Full of pride, he says, “I’m strong. My daddy says so.”

“That’s right, buddy.” Glancing at Marina, I add, “You do not want to arm wrestle this kid. He’ll take you down in seconds flat.”

She steps back, looking between us with her hands up in caution. “Thanks for the warning.” Her laughter blends with his, and I can’t help but notice how open he is with her. His mom always calls him shy, but maybe it’s the people she’s bringing around him. Fuck, more to worry about.

Holding out her hand, Marina steps closer again. With a wide as sunshine grin, she says, “I’m Marina, and who are you, sir?”

He wiggles on my back in laughter. There’s something about shaking hands that he finds so fun. He’s been known to mimic me at headquarters when I’ve brought him around. Taking her hand, he shakes it hard. “I’m Cullen Ryatt, son of legend Cash Ryatt.”

Oh shit. I chuckle this time with my hands out. “I swear to God, I did not teach him that.”

“Uh-huh. Sure you didn’t.” Rubbing her bicep, she plays along. “Wow, you are strong. Thought you were about to take my arm off there.”

Cullen loves the attention. He takes after his dad and mom that way. Terpidy and I both have sizable egos. There’s no doubt we won’t be able to save Cullen from the same fate.

“Hi,” she replies, shifting on the sidewalk and closer to me. Strands of her hair blow wildly in the air when a gust of wind picks it up. She tries to gather it unsuccessfully. “What brings you down this street?”

As if it tells her anything, I glance down one way and then back to her. “When the weather is nice, we walk this way to drop him off at his mom’s place.”

Tucking her hair behind her ear, she glances in the direction my gaze sent her, and then at Cullen and me. “I didn’t even realize you lived in the city. I mean, I knew you were here from our calls, but . . . I don’t know.” She shifts again. “I guess I just didn’t imagine it.” This time, she nods and tucks her fingertips into the front pockets of her denim. “Well, I should let you—”

“Come meet my mom.” I signal to her by sending a look across the street.

Her reluctance reaches her eyes as she peeks across the street again. “Your mom. Oh. Um, okay.”

“Don’t be nervous.” I lean in and whisper, “Unlike me, she’s really nice.”

Cullen giggles again.

We’re just about to cross the street when a car comes rushing by. My arm swings out in front of her. She doesn’t say anything, but judging by her restrained grin, she’s definitely entertained. I shrug. “Habit.”

“It’s a good habit to have.” She bounces on her toes a few times. I chuckle because the sugar seems to already be coursing through her. “If he’s allowed to have a piece, I have a lollipop or chocolate?”

“I want candy,” Cullen says, patting the top of my head like a bongo set, solidifying that candy is exactly what he doesn’t need.

Should I say no? Yep. Will Terpidy be pissed that he’s hopped up on sugar? Absolutely. Am I going to deny my kid this little ounce of childhood joy? Nope. “Lollipop, please.”

“Yes!” He fist-pumps the air, causing Marina to light up even more. She’s too beautiful for her own good.

The woman walks around in everyday life like she’s a mere mortal. Her ex is stupid for letting her go, but he’s a fucker for making her believe he deserved her love. If she were mine—

“Do you like grape?” she asks him, pulling a purple-wrapped lollipop from her bag.

“If it’s candy, he likes it.” His body vibrates from excitement.

Reaching around, I hold him under his bottom to secure him to my back. He thanks Marina without me having to remind him. Progress.

“You’re welcome.”

Holding another up to me, she asks, “What about you, Warren? Do you have a sweet tooth?” Nothing about my thoughts is appropriate right now, which is what she intended. Innocence has taken over her expression with wide eyes and batting eyelashes, but that flirtatious smile on her face gives away the underlying entendre.