“Do you have to reschedule a lot?” she asked.

He had five bites into his sandwich. Massive bites that left only half so he put it down and went for some chips.

“Damn, is there Parmesan cheese on these?”

“There is,” she said.

“If you bagged these up I’d never buy anything else.”

He ate four more and, while she was chewing, she walked away from him and then came back with two more large potatoes and set them down. She took a bite of her sandwich after she turned the burner back on.

“I’ll make you some more to take with you.”

“You don’t need to do that,” he said. “I didn’t say it for you to cook more.”

“I know. But I might as well before I clean up. It doesn’t take long.”

She was eating and peeling the potatoes after she’d set up a bowl with water and ice in it.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Watch and learn,” she said.

He couldn’t help but do that for the next ten minutes while they both ate and she cooked at the same time.

The potatoes were peeled, then sliced thin on some machine that had him holding his breath she didn’t cut her fingers while she moved it quickly over the blade.

The slices were put in ice water to soak, then patted dry before they were dropped in the oil.

By the time the first batch came out, his plate was cleared and he was stuffed.

When that batch was done, she had them in a bowl with salt and Parmesan cheese. Then she repeated another batch.

“It doesn’t look like a lot of work, but I know it is,” he said. “You just make it look effortless.”

“Thanks,” she said.

She set them aside when they were done, her lunch plate empty too.

“Let me help you clean up,” he said. “Or are you going to slap my hand if I come to the other side of the island?”

“Nope,” she said. “I’m all for equal opportunity helpers.”

He stood up and took both their plates, then went to the sink on the other wall. She had one on the island, but he was positive she didn’t use that to wash her dishes.

He rinsed and wiped everything she brought to him before he loaded it in the dishwasher and within twenty minutes her kitchen was back in order.

“Thanks for lunch,” he said.

“Thanks for coming to lunch,” she said. “We’ve got all afternoon. The question is, what are we going to do with that time?”

“Play a game?” he asked.

She laughed. “Is that what we are calling it now?”

“We can call it anything you want,” he said.

She moved over into his arms and pulled his head down for a kiss.