When Grace opened the door the next morning, she was stunned to see Lincoln backing his truck up to her garage and shouting out the open window, “Open the door so I can bring this wood in without getting it wet.”

She didn’t expect that he’d actually build her the shelves. She’d thought it was a joke. Or at the very least he wouldn’t do it the next day.

But here he was with wood in the back of his truck and what looked to be a saw next to it.

Since she knew it was going to start raining soon, she ran back in and hit the button for the garage door to open and he backed the end of it in.

“Let me help you unload it,” she said.

“Nope,” he said. “I’ve got it. You just make sure you know where you want this. I’ve got enough wood to put outdoor ones up for you too but not today.”

“You don’t need to do this today,” she said.

“Yep,” he said. “I’ve got the saw, so I’m going to at least measure and make the cuts. I rented that when I got the wood.”

She wanted to argue with him, but it wouldn’t do much good with him at this point.

He hopped out and she watched his muscles flexing as he moved the wood around and found her body heating up.

She finally snapped out of it.

She’d found it hilarious that he’d actually wanted to play a game yesterday afternoon.

It wasn’t the game shethoughtthey’d play, but she had a deck of cards and the next thing she knew they were playing poker.

She’d never laughed so hard getting her butt beat at anything before.

But they’d talked about his time in the service and how this was what they did to pass the lonely hours while they waited for calls from home.

He only talked about his parents calling him, but she often wondered if there was a girl. One that he wanted and never got?

He’d mentioned being burned so it had to be when he was in the service, she was sure.

She walked back to her living room and started to remove the art from the wall so that he could measure for her shelves.

When he came in a few minutes later, a tool belt on over his faded jeans, she thought she was going to dissolve into a puddle of mud.

Was this some kind of joke to get her so worked up that she’d be stripping for him in order for him to look her way?

It felt as if she was doing all the work to get this relationship going and wasn’t sure why.

Though he was here and had no problem coming back so it was working.

By the way he was kissing her yesterday, she knew he was turned on. Was he just trying to be a gentleman? Or was it because of her relation to his boss?

She was guessing that was more of it than anything else.

Though he did clean her kitchen with her. He talked so openly about his parents and helping them out.

She’d been attracted to him before without even knowing him as a person.

Now that she knew more about him, she realized what a great caring person he was.

Not just one that served his country but one that had respect for his parents and women in general.