“That too,” Emma said, grinning.

“You eat and give me your computer. I can type faster than you can one handed while you eat.”

“Sure, if you think that is the case,” Emma said. “I’m a pro.”

But her cousin shifted her laptop over and Grace read the questions and answered them at the same time she was laughing.

What were the best knives to use for certain cuts of meat? Then which one would be best for murder? Slicing through flesh and bone. Poisonous foods that no one would detect. Best way to slip a food in that someone was deathly allergic to and have it show no trace.

When she was done, she said, “You’re evil. I can’t wait to read this.”

“I haven’t figured out how the murder is going to take place yet. I want all my options. It’s better to know the information so when I get to the murder it can lead me to the direction I want.”

“Lead you?” she asked.

“Yep,” Emma said. “I told you I talk to my characters all day long. Or more like they talk to me. They lead the story, not me guiding them.”

“Interesting,” she said. “I didn’t realize that.”

Grace did read her cousin’s books, the same with her aunt’s books, but she didn’t have a lot of time to read and always felt she fell behind.

“So what is going on in your life?” Emma asked. “People think I’m lost in the outside world.”

“You normally are, but maybe I’ll tell you something that hasn’t made it’s way back to you and then you can prove that isn’t the case.”

“Do you have fresh gossip for me?” Emma asked, rubbing her hands together.

Maybe this wasn’t a good idea.

She’d told Kayla to keep it to herself, but the fact she’d just shown up with breakfast for Lincoln and Egan meant it wasn’t that quiet.

It wouldn’t hurt and the more that knew the easier it might be for Lincoln to feel comfortable.

It’s not like she wanted this to be a secret. After a lot of thought, if she did, he might think she was embarrassed or something and that was the furthest thing from the truth.

It’s like Kayla had told her. Be patient.

Only that wasn’t her so she had to nudge in her way.

Seeing Lincoln flush earlier and Egan pushing in her corner had helped.

When her phone went off, she pulled it out and saw a text from Lincoln asking if she had plans Monday afternoon.

Oh yeah, it worked well. She replied and decided that there was no reason to not tell her other girl cousin what was going on.

She’d always been closer to Emma than Hailey. Hailey was older than them, but they all grew up in Boston close to each other.

“It’s not gossip,” she said. “I’m sort of seeing someone. It’s going to make the rounds fast. I’m not keeping it a secret.”

“Who is it?” Emma asked, eating.


“Oh, Egan’s best friend? Damn, girl, fill me in. Have you seen him in one of his old Air Force uniforms?”

She started to laugh and realized how much she missed not having this in her life.

“Sadly, no,” she said. “We’ve only had a handful of dates and it’s been a lot of work. I’m not sure I’ve worked this hard in my life with a guy.”