“Now I’ve got to know,” Emma said.

She filled her cousin in up to this morning. “What are you doing?” she asked when Emma grabbed her laptop and started to type.

“Taking notes. Oh my. This is some good shit. I didn’t even think about this. Using food to get to a guy. You know, the way to their heart, but this is more about attention.”

Her shoulders dropped. “It started as a joke, but now I’m feeling bad about it. Do you think I’m playing him?”

“Absolutely not!” Emma shouted. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to shout. I’m getting excited like I do when I’m writing something good.”

“Why did you have that reaction?” she asked.

“Because this is no different than a man bringing a woman flowers on a date. Or chocolate. Men do it to women all the time. There is no reason you can’t to a man.”

“So I’m courting him?” she asked, frowning. She didn’t like the sounds of that.

“Modern-day getting someone to like you,” Emma said with her focus on the screen as she typed.

“That sounds childish.”

“Nope,” Emma said, still typing. She couldn’t even make eye contact, but her cousin was following along at the same time. “This is awesome.” Her cousin stopped typing and looked at her. “Grace. It’s sweet. Cooking is your love language.”

“Huh?” she asked. “I’m not some wuss.”

“Of course you’re not,” Emma said. “Well, you don’t want people to see that, but we all know you’re not as tough as you portray.”

She wasn’t going to argue that point. No reason to.

“What’s your point?”

“My point is, you like him. Enough that you want him to see that. You’re working harder because he has doubts and insecurities and you want to help him through that. You’re using the one thing that you know the best to relax him.”

“Food?” she asked.

She wasn’t going to address the doubts and insecurities that Lincoln might have since she’d had her mother point out that was one of her faults in life.

She’d have to keep that in the back of her mind.

“And family,” Emma said. “You’re putting it out there to those closest to you and him. You’re letting him know that you’re good with this. And if you are, there is no reason he can’t be.”

“I am trying to do that,” she said. “With the family. I could see Egan was busting his ass but the same way he always did. And the fact he just texted me to say he had Monday afternoon off tells me either he asked for it?—”

“Or Egan forced it on him. Showing family support.”

“Yeah,” she said. “That is most likely what it is. I hope Lincoln isn’t put off by that though.”

“If he was, I’m sure he would have fought it and won,” Emma said. “I don’t know him that well. I’ve never ridden in a helicopter.”

“Because you don’t leave the island,” she said.

“And when I have to, I take the ferry because my schedule is my own. I don’t need to worry about squeezing things in.”

“That’s true,” she said. “Anyway, this is where we are at. My parents know. I’ve been talking to my mom about it. I talked to Kayla on Wednesday.”

“Kayla would understand the best,” Emma said.

“Exactly. She gave me some good advice to be patient.”

Emma started to laugh. “That’s not you.”