“For someone who fought this for so long, two dates or so in and you’re acting like a long-lost fool.”

“Not likely,” he said. He wasn’t about to let himself go to anyone. And if he did, it was going to take a lot more time than a week.

“You do realize that she got her ass up early to bring you breakfast.”

“Hard to miss,” he said, finishing off his last bite. “I didn’t even know there was such a thing as a waffle breakfast sandwich.”

“Tell me about it,” Egan said. “I’m going to be encouraging this relationship hard if this is going to be how we start some mornings. I expect you to share too.”

He snorted. “I’m not using her that way.”

“It’s a joke,” Egan said. “There was a time you’d laugh along with me. Make a crack back. You know, like a few weeks ago you’d do that.”

He wasn’t sure why he was so defensive about it now.

No, he knew. He didn’t want anyone to think he was with Grace for anything other than her.

Even something as simple as food.

“I’m a little out of practice,” he said.

“From what?” Egan asked.


“You date,” Egan argued. “Maybe not that often or at least from what I can see.”

“I date without the intention of it turning into more.”

“Ahh,” Egan said. “But with Grace you don’t want that mentality?”

“No,” he said. “It doesn’t seem right. I mean we talked and all. We know the other’s schedule. I’m just taking it as it comes.”

“Then what is the problem?”

He shrugged and then walked into the small kitchen and came back with two forks. If Egan stuffed his face with more food maybe he’d stop with all the questions.

“I don’t know,” he said. “It’s different.”

Egan took a forkful of the casserole and popped it in his mouth. Lincoln did the same and his eyes almost rolled back in his head over the taste.

“Jesus,” Egan said. “Suck it up to get fed like this. Or figure it out. Don’t blow it.”

He knew his boss was joking this time and laughed. “I’ll try.”

The two of them had a few more mouthfuls before he put the top on. No way he was sharing the whole thing. This was going home with him and he’d be eating it for breakfast before work.

“Do you have another sandwich in that bag?” Egan asked, looking at the bag that wasn’t deflated. “You got two?”

“I kiss better,” Lincoln said. “And that one is for the air.”

Egan grinned. “There is the guy I know and love. Loosen up and have some fun with this.”

“I’ll try,” he said again. He could understand why his best friend was confused because he sure the hell was too.

Egan moved over to the computer and started to type a few things in. He assumed his boss was checking the schedule for today and the weekend.

“Rob told me he’s available on Mondays after ten.”