Lincoln came up the victor. He had moves that could bring a man to his knees, but he wouldn’t do that to his best friend. Or his boss.

Or maybe he would for some food.

“You don’t kiss me like he does,” Grace said.

“Eww,” Egan said. “We are cousins.”

“That’s right. Maybe I should have said that first and you would have let go of the food. But no worries. Here is yours.”

She pulled one out of her large purse and handed it to Egan.

“Thank you,” Egan said, kissing her on the cheek. “That doesn’t count though does it?”

“Not likely,” she said.

“I appreciate the food,” Lincoln said, opening one of the perfectly wrapped breakfast sandwiches. This was like when he’d brought Laine home and her father’s chef had food ready for him too. This job had a lot more perks than he’d ever thought it would.

“How about a kiss for it?” Grace said. “I got up real early to make it. I’m not due into work for another few hours.”

He cringed around a mouthful that she’d gotten up and come out of her way, and moved closer, then kissed her on the lips. Not the kind he’d like to do.

Egan cleared his throat. “That is not much different than the one I gave her on her cheek. It sucks he’s getting more food than me.”

“He’s sexier than you,” Grace said.

She had a smirk on her face and Lincoln felt the heat fill his. Then it rushed over his body fast enough that he now knew what a hot flash felt like.

“You two are gross,” Egan said. “Here I thought you might have come here for a ride.”

Grace wiggled her eyebrows. “Another time. Another place than here too.”

There went a second flush of heat in his body. He had no idea she could do that to him.

“Grace, you’re making Lincoln blush. I didn’t know that was possible.”

She laughed. “Neither did I. I find a little food goes a long way.”

“It’s not the food,” he said around a mouthful. “It’s the words.”

“Okay,” she said. “I’ll say them in private next time. Maybe mixed with some others. Come give me one more kiss. And you shouldn’t need syrup with the casserole, it’s flavored enough.”

“Thank you,” he said, leaning in to kiss her one more time. This time she put her arms around his neck and held him there a second longer.

“Yum. I taste bacon.”

She moved out of the hangar after that.

“Dude,” Egan said. “That was hilarious to watch.”

“Not much funnier than watching Blake walk all over you with her snarky wit.”

“It’s sexy,” Egan argued. “I love it. But she made you blush. What the hell is that about?”

“It’s your cousin,” he said.

“So?” Egan said. “Other women have done and said worse things than that to you around me.”

“It’s not the same,” he mumbled.