“No,” he said seriously.

She frowned. “I’m not sure what I can say to you to make you believe I don’t care about those things. How about the fact that I can take care of myself and don’t need a man to do that for me.”

“I never thought otherwise.”

“Then you’re worried people are going to think you are only with me for my name and what I can bring to the table? Money?” Her eyes were slicing through him like a hot knife through butter.

He’d pissed her off. He wasn’t expecting that.

He’d be honest. “It’s happened to me before,” he said.

“We can circle back to that another time. I’m not sure you want to talk about it.”

“I don’t,” he said.

“Then I’ll tell you that my family doesn’t care about those things. Hunter married one of his employees who grew up in foster care.”

“I’m aware,” he said.

“Roark married a woman who came from a single mother who didn’t even want to raise her other daughter.”

“I know that too,” he said. Roark’s wife, Chelsea, worked for Hailey Bond and had been in the service as military police prior. She was raising her teenage younger sister on her own when she moved to Amore Island.

“Then I’m not sure why you think I or anyone in my family would believe what you’re saying. And I’m only talking about my branch right now. I haven’t even gone into the other branches, but you know as well as I do it’s the same there too.”

He did know that and started to feel like a fool.

“You’ve put me in my place,” he said.

“I don’t think I’ve even begun to put you in your place, but now isn’t the time either,” she said. “I need to go check on dinner.” She marched to the kitchen, her little body almost vibrating with her frustration.

Well, that didn’t go over so well and now he wondered how the rest of this date was going to go and if there would even be a third.

Guess it was best to know now and he could tell Egan that his boss was wrong. Fate meant nothing and it wasn’t meant to be.



Grace had a short fuse and she needed to walk away from Lincoln before it caught fire and blew up in his face.

She couldn’t believe this was what was causing him to not look at her like she was him.

And how did you change that?

More so the fact that she’d had men only want her for that reason and now the one she wanted felt just the opposite. Or something like that.

Talk about frustrating and ironic at the same time.

She checked on dinner, pulled it out and then set it aside to rest. She went back to the patio and started to laugh. It felt like the only thing she could do.

“I didn’t think you’d have that reaction considering you looked ready to bite my head off a minute ago.”

“Let’s say I went in to cool down and take a breather and had a realization.”

“What’s that?” he asked.

“That the reason you are staying away from me is the same reason most men wanted me. I can’t win no matter what I do.”