She downed her wine and shook her head. She should have done that in the house so she could have filled her glass back up.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me,” she said. “I’ve had the hardest time finding a man that I didn’t have to worry about only wanting to be with me because of what I could bring to the table. Even friends, I struggled there too. I think most in our family did, which is why a lot of us are so close because we had each other and understood that.”

“I didn’t think much of that,” he said. “But I sure the hell want nothing from a woman that has to do with money. I can take care of myself too.”

“Exactly,” she said. “I thought, here I’m going to make the first move. Someone who knows our family well and has met me. You’re well-liked and respected by many members of the family. That means your character is strong. So yeah, that worry I had is gone. And then now you’re telling me in your eyes I’m pretty much off limits for what my fear was.”

“Shit,” he said. “How long have you been attracted to me?”

Might as well air it all out. “A while. That was looks. Then I’ve talked to you and heard about you and thought, hmmm, I wouldn’t mind getting to know him. You didn’t seem to get the hint though.”

“I’ve never been considered slow before,” he said, scratching his chin. She thought it was a funny movement and liked that his full beard was gone and in its place was just a nicely trimmed one. “But I just told you why. I wasn’t looking at you because of that reason.”

She wasn’t sure what to make of that.

“If I wasn’t part of the Bond family, would you be interested in me?”

“You are part of the Bond family and that can’t be changed,” he said. He held a hand up when she went to talk. “But I am here so I’d say that means I’m interested in you.”

“Prove it,” she said, lifting her chin.

“What?” He looked confused again.

“Prove to me that you are attracted to me. Or interested in me.”

He set his beer down. “Not sure what you want me to do, but this is all I’ve got.” He yanked her hard against his body, his mouth crushing hers.

Oh yeah.

This was exactly what she’d been thinking of. No, dreaming of. For months. Maybe years.

Her arms went up and around his neck. She had to get on her tiptoes for that but didn’t care.

And didn’t care that she was getting a calf cramp a minute later holding that pose while they continued to make out, their tongues dueling, their bodies pressing against each other, sweat rolling down her back as her heart rate raced faster than ever before.

When her watch started to vibrate on her wrist, she pulled back thinking it was the worst time for a call.

When she looked down and saw it was an alert of a high heart rate she started to giggle and then laugh so hard she was bent over with it holding her waist.

“I’m not laughing at you,” she said, wiping a tear from her eye.

“Since I’m the only one in the room right now it’s hard to believe that.”

She showed him her watch. “Look. You should be proud of yourself. How is that for proving to you what I feel?”

He grabbed her wrist and started to laugh. “Damn. That’s a first.”

“For both of us. Can we wipe the slate clean now?”

“Not sure what you mean by that,” he said.

“I know you’re not interested in my bank account.”

“Hell no,” he said.

“So that relieves both of our minds on that. I want nothing from you other than you...well, maybe another kiss like that before the end of the night.”