He walked into her kitchen and opened the large stainless steel fridge, saw the variety of beers and reached in to get one.

“Do you want one?”

She took it out of his hands and opened it, then poured it into a glass and handed it over. “I’m going to have wine.”

He saw the wine fridge under the island. “I could have had a glass of that,” he said.

“Have what you want. It won’t go to waste. If I don’t drink it all, then I’ll cook with it.”

He wanted to make some comment about her cooking with expensive wine because he knew beyond a doubt she didn’t drink anything that he’d be buying.

Or what he would have bought years ago.

He made more money now than he ever thought he would.

Egan hired him at over six figures years ago. He’d gotten raises in that time and bonuses quarterly. He had no complaints at all and Egan told him nonstop that he couldn’t run the business the way he did without Lincoln as his pilot.

It was nice to feel needed and wanted.

He took a sip of his beer and she poured her glass of wine.

“If we’ve got time why don’t we go on the patio and chat,” he said.

He wanted to clear the air. There was no way he was going into this blind and wanted to understand where her head was and what she was looking for.

“We can do that,” she said. “Then you can tell me what is on your mind because something is.”

Guess not only could he not see things but people were able to see through him more than he ever thought before.

“What are you looking for?”

“Meaning between us?” she asked, her hand moving back and forth.

“Yes,” he said.

“Do you ask that of all the women you go on a date with?”

“I think this is date number two,” he said. No way he was going to admit that Egan had to point that out to him.

She grinned and her eyes lit up. “Well, if you knew the last one was a date, then I’ve got to wonder why you didn’t reach out again. Did you only say yes to this one because you didn’t want to offend me by saying no? Did I put you on the spot or something?”

This wasn’t going as well as he thought it might.

He ran his hand through his short hair. “No. I’ll confess I didn’t realize the first time was a date until yesterday. I just thought you didn’t want to have a drink alone.”

“I didn’t,” she said. “But I also wanted to have it with you.”

He nodded his head. He liked how she answered directly. “That is why I said yes to today. But it’s not like we don’t have some kind of family connection.”

She lifted an eyebrow at him. “I’m not sure it’s a family connection. You work for my cousin. It’s not like Egan and I are that close. We aren’t in the same branch, not that close of relations either. It’s not like my parents work closely with Mitchell like Charlie and Hunter Bond do.”

She had a point. Hunter, who was first cousins with Grace, was much closer with Egan, Eli and Ethan. They did business together too. Charlie and Mitchell owned businesses together as well.

But Grace didn’t fall under that umbrella as others did.

“You make a good point,” he said. “But you know, I don’t have your...lineage.”

She started to laugh. “You’re joking, right?”