“We wouldn’t be anywhere else,” her mother said. “I know you’re worried about work on Wednesday, but don’t be. It will be fine. Just take it as another day.”

“I will. As I’ve said more than once, not much I can do but hope they do our business justice.”

“I still can’t believe you won’t tell us the results,” Emma said.

Only Hunter, her grandfather, her parents and Lincoln knew she made it to the finale. No one else was privy in this room. No one but Lincoln even knew she didn’t win. They’d all find out soon enough.

“You get to wait with the rest of the world.”

“I bet Lincoln knows,” Ashley said. “You always tell those you love everything.”

She turned and winked at Lincoln. “I’d like to think that.”

He smiled, but it was forced and she didn’t know why.



Lincoln’s phone was ringing two weeks later as he was getting ready for work.

When he saw it was his mother, he panicked. She never called this early. Ever.

“Hi, Mom. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” his mother said. “Sorry to scare you like this. I just know you’re busy and then with your notoriety and all.”

“Very funny,” he said.

Two days ago the third episode had been aired.

Grace said she was going to be embarrassed over all of this, but it ended up being him.

Egan wouldn’t let it end that people were calling and asking to get a ride with the sexy pilot dropping off Grace.

No one watching the show even knew he was Grace’s boyfriend yet.

In one confessional, she’d commented on cooking for him and used his first name, but that was it. He’d been touched she’d said it and she blushed when it was aired.

They’d watched every episode together. Since they were both off on Mondays it was easy enough.

And though the summer was over and Labor Day just passed two days ago, they were both still pretty busy.

Another month or so and things would slow down some, but it normally didn’t hit until late November that Egan stopped booking as many tours.

He said right now the demand for them had increased and not just from those visiting the island but people staying in Plymouth, Boston and Cape Cod wanting tours. They didn’t pick up as many in Cape Cod and Plymouth but were going to have to start changing the schedule now.

“You look so handsome,” his mother said.

“Enough that people are requesting me for flights. Egan is jealous. I never thought I’d see the day. They didn’t show him on camera, only me. But they did get some nice shots of Egan’s ride and he’s proud enough of that. When people call to schedule a ride on that, they are told it’s not with me.”

“That must make him feel better,” his mother said. “He’s equally as handsome and charming.”

“I’m not charming and you know it.”

“You can be,” his mother said. “Grace is doing a great job.”

“She is,” he said.