“I know you can’t tell me how it works out.”

“I can’t,” he said.

“Do you know?”

“Of course I do,” he said, laughing.

“You love her, don’t you?” his mother asked.

“I do.”

“I can see it in your eyes.”

“I have sunglasses on,” he argued.

“You have them off when Grace is climbing out. I see you behind her.”

“They made her climb in and out enough times I got sick of sitting there with them on and put them in the front of my shirt like I normally do.”

It was funny how on TV no one saw how many takes it actually took for them to get that ten seconds worth of film. Talk about a job he’d never want.

“I’ve had so many people stop me around here asking if that is you.”

“I didn’t know that many people knew where I worked,” he said.

“You haven’t changed all that much,” his mother said. “And those I work with know who you are. The same with your father. It doesn’t take long to make the rounds. I know you’re not on social media.”

“No,” he said.

Though he knew all the island's social media accounts were blowing up with Grace’s appearance. It wasn’t just good for The Retreat, it was for everyone.

Grace had told him that there had been over thirty calls for weddings in the past two and a half weeks. Guess that was a lot. Not only that, vacation reservations there and everyone else’s properties.

He knew the casino had an uptick in guests too and that Bella was booking more acts.

He’d never paid much attention to so many things on the island as he was now.

“Well, it made the local news outlets here.”

“Huh?” he said. Not what he wanted.

“I thought I’d let you know. They aired a piece two nights ago about you and some of your story. They wanted your father and me to do an interview and we declined. I thought that might be the end of it, but it wasn’t.”

“Why?” he asked.

“One, we didn’t think you’d want that. That is the most important thing. And second of all, we didn’t want to embarrass you. Your father and I aren’t the type to get on TV.”

“Stop,” he said. “No, I wouldn’t want that. But if it’s something you want to do, I’d never tell you no. And I don’t ever want you to worry that I’d be embarrassed over anything.”

“I didn’t want to upset you. I’m not telling you for that. I just wanted you to be aware.”

“I’m not upset. I’m glad you called me too. Really, I am.”

“There is something else,” his mother said. “I doubt anything will come of it. Or I don’t think so.”

He didn’t like the sound of her voice. “Let me guess. Lara?”

He knew that he’d be noticed once his face was on TV, but he’d hoped maybe Lara or her family weren’t watching. It’s not like everyone watched reality shows or cooking shows.