“Try me?” he insists, inching closer, his lips grazing the high of my cheeks, his hold on my lower waist tightening as he does so. I could melt into a puddle right here and be happy that life ended the way it did. My mind races, torn between my mission to steal the diamond and my desire to be honest with him. My voice quivers, heat spreading down my legs as I tell him, “I dreamt I was at a party like this. It felt so clear, yet seemed so elusive I thought nothing of it. But then, the dream kept returning, and every night, I started longing for a taste of it. I didn’t know when or how, but I live nearby, and I heard of a party over at this mansion, and like a call I couldn’t ignore, I decided to show up.”

He stops leading me in the dance for a second, and I prepare to pull away. “You think I’m crazy?” I whisper.

He shakes his head as though angry at himself and pulls me in closer. “You have a priest? A guide? A seer? Someone?”

I nod, thinking of Serafina.

“I do, too,” he explains. "I am a man so sure of the world and all that came beyond and after. There are things we don’t know, and not everything we know is the ultimate truth. I believe you.”

“You do?” I gasped, expecting this to be the last thing he would say.

“With all my heart,” he explains. “Enough of what I believe or not, tell me, do you regret coming here?”

“Well,” I smile up at him. “How can I when…”

He slowly blinks, a hopeful expression on his face. He gently caresses my upper arm, urging me to complete the sentence with what he wants to hear. “When what?” his voice cracks.

“When the drinks are free?” I finish.

“You tease!” he gushes, suddenly tilting me backward towards the floor, his arm under me. I giggle, and he laughs before pulling me up again. I’m breathless from the move, and he pulls me close, his arm tight around my waist, the other twining fingers through mine as he takes me into another dance.

He continues to lead me in the dance, our bodies moving gracefully across the floor. As we continue, I can't help but feel torn. On one hand, I need to stay focused on the task at hand – ensuring my father's safety. Yet, there's a part of me that longs to keep opening up to him.

The last note of the song fades away, leaving a momentary hush in the ballroom before the next melody sweeps through the air. It’s slow, so slow, that many couples walk off. Fiero, on the other hand, brings me close, my chin now resting on his shoulder.

He feels warm, big, and safe. I close my eyes as we sway, and I take a deep breath to immerse myself in him in every sense. He smells like mint, leather, and mandarin—like the ocean, a man, and a vineyard.

That's when it happens - Fiero's men appear out of nowhere, encircling us like a pack of wolves closing in on their prey. My breath catches in my throat as panic surges through me, and I instinctively think about my father and take a step back.

What if he’s been caught? What if a security alarm went off? I look around myself, trying to extricate myself from this situation. I need to find a quiet corner and tell Papa that Fiero’s men know he’s trying to break in.

But Fiero is still holding onto my hand, not letting go. He must have noticed I look worried, for he freezes and leans in. "Dove," Fiero says, his voice low and calm despite the sudden intrusion. "Stay close. If there’s trouble, you’d be safest by my side.”

I nod, too afraid to speak. My mind races with the possibilities – have they discovered my true intentions? Caught my father? Exposed my alliance with Rafaele?

"Boss, we've got a situation," one of Fiero's men mutters urgently, leaning in so their conversation remains private.

My heart pounds in my chest as I strain to listen, my ears catching snippets of their hushed words. The mention of Rafaele Bressan sends a shiver down my spine, and I can't help but wonder if our plan has been compromised.

"Rafaele?" Fiero repeats, his voice laced with disbelief and anger. "What is he doing here?"

“I have no idea, boss,” the men say, “but we’ve caught wind he’s here as a masked guest.”

“Is he alone?” Fiero asks.

“From what we know, yes. According to the intel we received, he was seen talking to a few people. But he’s been alone since we kept a radar on him twenty minutes ago.”

Suddenly, a gush of relief passes through me. While this is in no way a good situation, it’s still better than the catastrophe that would have been had Fiero discovered my father. For now, Papa and I are safe. But, it would be wise for us to get out of here as soon as we can.

I wonder if Rafaele knows Fiero discovered his presence. Should I warn him? In the distance, I see Rafaele talking to a masked man in hushed whispers, looking agitated as he does. He smells trouble, too. He’s probably got back up.

He’ll be okay. I need to focus on Papa … and perhaps say goodbye because after this very moment, Fiero Cremaschi will just be a ghost from the past, one I’d have to run from forever.

In the background, the final notes of the song fade into silence, but still, Fiero and I hold each other’s hand. He turns to me, having gotten the lowdown. His eyes shine up at me. “I do apologize, but I have to go,” he says.

"Thank you for a lovely dance, Fiero," I can’t help myself.

He brushes a stray curl behind my ear, his knuckles grazing the soft skin of my cheek. "The pleasure was mine."