A warmth reaches the nape of my neck. Usually, I’m the one who makes women blush, but this change of roles is unusual.

“I’m sure I’m not the first man in the world to have told you so,” I say at last, in a feeble attempt at redemption.

“Maybe you are,” she says defiantly, looking up at me with fire in her eyes.

“Then those other men,” I say, leaning forward and curling a tendril of her hair in my finger before releasing it. “Are fools.”

Just then, a violin number comes on, an upbeat version of something from today’s pop culture. Eyes wide and a huge smile spreading across her face, she exclaims, “Oh my god, I love this song!” and she begins to sing to the wordless number.

"In that case, would you like to dance?" I ask, feeling a strong desire to hold on to her just a little longer.

There was just a moment’s hesitation, and then, "I would love to," she replied, placing her hand in mine.

As we move to the dance floor, I think of how perfectly our hands fit together, her small and dainty fingers interlinked with my hardened, coarse ones. The first song ends, and the band begins to play a slow, romantic melody that seems to echo the beat of our hearts.

Our bodies sway in sync, and for a moment, it feels as if we've transcended time and space, existing solely within the realm of our connection.

Chapter 17


The orchestra's music weaves its way around us, into us. Our bodies sway to the slow, sensual rhythm of the music as Fiero pulls me closer. I fight the urge to melt into his embrace, reminding myself why I'm here - to steal the diamond and deliver it to Rafaele. Once I do, I'll never see Fiero again.

So, for now, I should just stick to the role I’m here to play and be the distraction instead of falling for one.

“Now that I have you all to myself, with nothing to pull you away, I hope to finally get the answer I’ve been searching for,” Fiero whispers in my ear, his breath soft, sending tingles down my neck.

I pull my cheek away for a brief second to find his green eyes upon me. For such a cold color, all I see is warmth. “You don’t know everything yet?” I inquire.

For some reason, I want to give him all the answers I can to please him.

He places his hand on the nape of my neck and pulls me closer. He tells me things he shouldn’t, things I shouldn’t want to hear, but things I feel thrilled by. He tells me he was glad to hear I’m here alone. A friend would have done it, but a man would have been wasteful. My heart races at the insinuation. His lips brush my ear, his voice a low caress.

"How did a beauty like you end up at my party?"

I force a coy smile and duck my head, avoiding the intensity of his gaze. "I'm not sure. I seem to have wandered into the wrong place."

The weak lie slips easily from my tongue, though guilt gnaws at my insides.

Fiero isn't the cold-hearted criminal I expected. There's a kindness and strength to him I didn't anticipate, one that calls to me in a way I don't fully understand. I thought he would be a little like Rafaele—selfish, cruel, and calculating. But Fiero is present, a natural-born leader who chooses not to rule with an iron fist.

I swallow hard, torn between my mission and the longing in my heart. The diamond is my purpose for being here. I gave my word, but if I'm honest with myself, I’m enjoying myself with Fiero.

"The right place, I think you mean." Fiero tilts my chin up, peering into my eyes. "Come on now, tell me how you wandered in here?”

As we dance, I catch a glimpse of Rafaele lurking in the shadows, his dark blue eyes watching intently. Fear grips me, and I'm reminded of the danger that surrounds us – the unknown consequences if our actions fail tonight.

I know I must stay focused on my mission, but Fiero's touch sends shivers down my spine, making it nearly impossible to concentrate on anything else. I look away from Rafaele and try to answer Fiero’s question the best way I can.

"I... I'm not exactly sure how I got here," I stammer, trying to maintain my composure. My thoughts are overrun with images of the diamond, and my father's predicament haunts my mind. But something about Fiero's kindness and strength tugs at my heart, making it increasingly difficult to focus on the lies Rafaele trained me to tell. So, I try to find the closest thing to the truth.

"Is that so?" Fiero smirks, raising an eyebrow. "Had a case of Amnesia, did you?”

I force a smile, attempting to keep a playful demeanor despite the whirlwind of emotions inside me. "Don’t we all, to some extent? Life’s too dull to remember all the little details."

"Perhaps," he concedes, leading me into a graceful turn. Our bodies seem to flow together effortlessly, and the chemistry between us is undeniable. “But this doesn’t seem to be a dull detail.”

“You’re right,” I mutter. The thing is, tonight, I feel vividly alive. I feel so alive, so quick, so alert, that the word ‘dull’ begins to lose all meaning. For a brief second, as Fiero twirls me again to change sides, I feel like I’ve lived this night before, a rare case of Déja Vu. It can’t be, though; I’ve never even set foot in this place before, never ever been to a party like this before. “Truth is,” I succumb, “If I do try to tell you, you may not believe me.”