Maybe I’m jumping to conclusions and things will be better tomorrow, but I don’t think so. If Mia wanted me to be part of her life, she wouldn’t have kicked me out.

But I’ll still let myself be hopeful.

Chapter Thirty-Two


Tonight is the masquerade ball!

Zoey and I are getting ready at Rylee’s house. Rylee’s going to wear a dark purple medium-length dress with a purple mask with sequins and glitter. Mason will wear a matching mask and a purple tie. Zoey’s planning to wear a long sapphire dress with a mask of the same shade, and of course Kade will match with her. As for me? My dress is emerald green—which, ugh, reminds me of Declan’s eyes. But it looked so pretty on me, and my mask is so darn beautiful. It has glitter and sequins, too, but the overall design is stunning. It might have been on the pricey side, but oh my gosh, I feel so mysterious when I put it on.

“Guys, this is going to be so much fun,” I say as I apply makeup to Zoey’s face. “I know I don’t have anyone to dance with, but I’m going to have the night of my life.”

“We’re going to have the night of our lives,” Rylee corrects me with a smile. “All of us will dance together. You won’t be alone, Mia.”

“Thanks. But I will be when you two have your romantic slow dances with your special guys.”

I try not to sigh. A part of me hoped someone would ask me, but alas, I’m as single as the day I was born. But nope, I’m not going to let that take over me. I’m going to have fun tonight.

My phone beeps with a notification.

“Can you see what that is, Rylee? My mom told me she’d text when she and Dad arrive at the ball. Mom is looking forward to playing the trivia game and raising lots of money for charity. Maybe she’ll win an Xbox like Willow won for me and I could give it to a kid who can’t afford one.”

“That’s so kind of you,” Rylee says as she reaches for my phone. “It’s from Miss Lane. She’s making a change to the schedule for Monday.”

“Oh, cool. I’ll look at it later.”

“How’s rehearsal?” Zoey asks. “You haven’t talked much about it.”

I raise my shoulders. “Because I don’t like to think about it when I don’t have to.”

“Is it still that bad?” Rylee asks. “I thought you would get over what happened by now.”

I sigh as I lower the makeup brush. “Declan and I…well, we’re getting the scenes done. I’m trying to put the kiss behind me, but it won’t leave my head. And when I see Declan…it just all comes crashing down on me. It doesn’t help that he gave one heck of a performance on Wednesday.”

“What happened?” Zoey asks.

“It was the scene where Scarlett gets stabbed and William holds her dying body in his arms. Declan put so much emotion into his performance. It was…” I think for the right words. “It was mesmerizing, guys. Like, I knew Declan was a really good actor, but oh my gosh, I was blown away. He cried so authentically. I can cry on cue, too, but I don’t think I was as emotional as him. I really felt how broken and lost he was over the thought of losing the most important person in his life. The person he loved with every fiber of his being.” My mind wanders as I replay the scene in my head, and my heart pounds wildly, making it hard to breathe right. Every part of me feels tingly.

I sigh again and pick up the brush. “It doesn’t matter. I ruined whatever was between me and Declan. I don’t think we could ever get it back.”

“But why?” Rylee insists. “Why can’t you get over what happened, Mia? I get that it was awkward and embarrassing, but Declan still wants to be your friend. It’s so obvious.”

“No it’s not.”

“Yes it is!” Zoey says. “He wanted to sit with us on Wednesday and you totally ignored him. You’ve been pushing him away since the kiss scene. It’s like you don’t want to be his friend anymore.”

“That’s not true. I…” My voice trails off and I sigh for a third time. “Look, I had a huge crush on him seven months ago and got really hurt. Sure it was my own fault—I know that now—but I…” I lower my gaze to the vanity table. “I don’t want to get hurt again.”

Zoey and Rylee exchange a look before Rylee rubs my arm. “Mia, do you still have a crush on Declan? Please tell us the truth this time.”

Every part of me wants to tell them heck no! But I know deep down that’s not true.

“Well, I…I don’t know,” I admit. “I mean, he’s not the jerk I thought he was. He’s so sweet and fun, and he put up with all my drama, which I know a lot of people can’t do. I had so much fun when we hung out and…” I squeeze my eyes shut. “I was sad when we parted for the day and I looked forward to hanging out with him again. Well, at least that’s how I felt…before.”

With wide eyes, Rylee and Zoey exchange another look.

“What?” I ask, my gaze flitting from one to the other.