Tori steps forward. “Yes, good job, everyone. You’ve all been amazing.” She smiles as she pats my arm and then Mia’s. “Have a good day, kids, and I’ll see you all tomorrow.”
Mia jets to her backpack, grabs her things, and zooms out of the room. I take my time gathering my things, my thoughts a mess. On the one hand, I still can’t stop thinking about the kiss, but on the other, I can’t ignore the way she’s been treating me. But what’s really bothering me? How we performed today. I felt like I was really experiencing the things William was experiencing. I was in the scene. And it seemed like Mia was as well. We vibed off each other so well. It was like magic. But the second rehearsal was done, she was back to the Mia who’s treating me like a disease.
I don’t get it.
“Everything okay, Declan?” Tori asks. I didn’t realize I’m just standing near the exit, staring at the floor.
“Oh, yeah. I’m great.” I force a smile. “See you tomorrow.”
My thoughts are still jumbled as I drive home and enter my house. Chase is at the mirror in the living room, holding up two shirts in front of him.
“Hey,” he says. “How was school and rehearsal?”
“Fine.” I dump my school things on the couch. “What’s with the shirts?”
He smiles, his cheeks a bit red. I hardly ever see my brother blush. “Tori and I are going out tonight.”
“That’s great! I’m happy for you guys.”
As joyful as I am, something pricks at me. The only reason Chase was brave enough to ask Tori out was because Mia and I pushed him. If not for us, both of them would be sitting in their rooms tonight all depressed. Actually, it’s all thanks to Mia. And now she can hardly look at me. How did we go from such good friends…to maybe even more on my end to…nothing?
After the amazing kiss, I was up all night picturing us together. I hoped she and I would…
I shake my head with a sigh. Clearly she doesn’t want that.
Chase squints at me. “You good, bro?”
My cheeks lift in a fake smile. “Of course I’m good. You and Tori are going on a date and I had an amazing rehearsal today.”
“Thanks. So which shirt do you think I should wear?”
I study the two options. “Don’t you think Mom would be better at this than me?”
“I asked her and she told me both are beautiful.”
“Are Mom and Dad excited you and Tori are going out?”
He nods, trying to hide a wide grin. “Very excited, especially Mom. You know she always loved Tori.”
He suddenly pulls me into his arms. “I know I’ve said this a million times, but thanks, Deck. You and Mia have made me a happy man.”
I laugh as I accept the hug, but my insides are knotted up. I’ve missed her all day. Her sweet smile, the shine in her eyes, her overall amazing self. Will she ever look—let alone talk—at me again? Or does she want me out of her life?
Chase pulls back and looks into my eyes. “You sure you’re okay? You’re all stiff and quiet.”
I push some hair out of my face. “Just got a lot on my mind with school and the play and everything.” I puff out my cheeks. “And of course I’m worried about my career, but I’m trying to focus on the good things.”
Nodding, he claps me on the back. “Yeah, we need to hold onto the good things.”
I lift a brow. “Like a certain Edenbury High theater director?”
He chuckles lightly. “I’m really nervous.”
“Don’t be. You guys are so cute together.” I think back to Mia saying that only a few days ago and my stomach twists again. So many things remind me of her. She’s had such a huge impact on my life these past few weeks. And now she’s throwing it all away?