Chapter One
I know that life isn’t perfect and that I, future Oscar winner Mia Park, can’t always get what I want. But is it too much to ask for my enemy not to pop up on my social media feed first thing on an early Sunday morning?
With a groan, I shove my phone under my pillow and squeeze my eyes shut, hoping to catch a few more hours of sleep. Everyone knows you’re supposed to sleep in on the weekends. And I might have only gotten three hours of sleep—staying up all night gaming is to blame.
My phone buzzes under my ear again.
“What the heck now?” I mutter as I slide my hand under my pillow to retrieve my phone. Tearing one eye open, I glance at the notification. Declan Hart’s new video is trending on Spill It!. It’s a popular social media app created by Easton Knight, one of the richest people in our small town of Edenbury, Georgia.
“Like I give a crap.” I shove my phone under my pillow again. I’ve been trying to train Spill It! not to show the dude in my feed because just seeing his face makes my blood boil, but I swear the app likes messing with me. So I’ve adopted a policy not to watch even a second of any of his videos, hoping Spill It! will finally get the message.
Apparently not.
I turn to my side, squeezing my eyes shut again.
But what could Declan have possibly posted to garner so much attention in only a few hours?
It doesn’t matter. Like I said, I don’t want to look at Him Who Must Not Be Named as long as I live.
Why is the video trending, though?
“Okay, fine!” I grumble as I sit up and reach for my phone. Maybe just a quick peek to see what the heck has the world spinning on its axis.
I click on the video, and there he is. All in his annoyingly charming glory. The video is an interview with Declan from a pretty popular media outlet that covers celebrity news. He’s discussing his latest movie, The Beat of My Heart, the one he and I worked on over the summer. Where he was asked not to come back for the sequel that we’ll film this summer.
“You’re not upset that you weren’t asked to do the sequel?” the interviewer asks him.
Despite the obvious frustration in his green eyes, Declan puts on his million-watt smile. “I’m not upset, Chelsea. I understand that these things happen in the film industry. I’m very grateful to have worked on The Beat of My Heart and I’m looking forward to the many projects I have lined up. The future looks very bright for me and I think my fans will love what I put forward next.” He presses his hand to his heart as he faces the camera, his dark hair falling into his eyes. “It means the world to me that I have so many fans. I love you all!”
“I understand your fans are called HartHeads?”
Declan chuckles softly, the sound almost music-like, and shrugs. “What can I say?”
Chelsea laughs, too. “Can you tell me what it was like to work on the set of The Beat of My Heart? How did the cast and crew treat you? Did you get along with your co-star, Mia Park?”
I take in a sharp breath. Here it is. He’s going to talk about the kiss. My character and Declan’s character were supposed to have an epic kiss, but the kiss…well, let’s just say it’s been giving me nightmares since the moment we pressed our lips together. For a super charming guy who’s had a million girlfriends, he’s a rotten kisser.
I guess the producers saw how terrible it was and that we had ZERO chemistry because they didn’t ask him to return for the sequel.
But Declan puts on that charismatic smile and says, “The cast and crew treated me very well and I got along great with Mia Park. Honestly, I have no ill feelings toward anyone. Like I said, I had a good experience and I’m looking forward to my future projects.”
Hmm…okay. I’m really surprised by this. I honestly thought he would say something negative. But I suppose he’s smart enough not to. No one wants to work with anyone who would bad-mouth them to the press.
But even though he’s being cool about it, I can’t forget the terrible way he treated me after the horrible kiss. No one knows that under that charm and charisma is one of the biggest jerks in the world.
I stop the video and am about to click “ignore” so the app won’t show me his videos anymore, but I check out some of the comments first.
Declanhartlover: I LOVE you so much, Declan. And I loved The Beat of My Heart! I watched it three times.
HartHead#1: I’ve been in tears ever since I found out Declan’s not going to be in the sequel. Such a shame because I loved The Beat of My Heart.
DeclanHeartThrobb: Stay strong, Declan. Good things are in store for your future!
DeclanHart’sFutureWife: I LOVE you SO much, Declan. Please please marry me.
Momof4: I know I’m too old, but that boy is fiiiine.