Gerty7: I can’t wait to see what’s in store for you, too, Declan!

DelawareDiva: I love Mia Park and I love Declan Hart and I loved them together in The Beat of My Heart. Maybe they’ll reconsider and ask him back for the sequel?

I really hope they don’t. I mean, I’ve been acting since I was five and have had my share of working with people I don’t like. I’m always professional and focus on what matters most—performing my best. If Declan does return for the sequel—which is very unlikely—I’ll just have to endure it.

But I want to think positively.

After pressing “ignore,” I exit the app. I have a feeling he’ll still pop up on my feed, though. I think I need to have a long talk with Easton Knight.

I start a video call with my two best friends, Rylee Barrington and Zoey Hastings. They’re also first cousins.

“You’re up early on a Sunday,” Rylee says as their faces appear on my screen.

“Declan’s video woke me up,” I complain. “Did you guys see it?”

“Sure did,” Zoey says as she pushes some sandy brown hair away from her face.

“It’s trending already,” Rylee says with big blue eyes. “I think it was a pretty good interview. The part where he spoke about his old pet gerbil was so funny.”

I shrug. “I stopped it in middle because I got sick of his face.”

Zoey laughs. “I’m surprised you watched it all.”

“Yeah, well.” I lift my shoulders again. “My curiosity got the better of me. I have to admit that I’m surprised he didn’t say anything negative about The Beat of My Heart, though. He’s smarter than I thought.”

“And he didn’t mention the kiss,” Rylee says.


“You can’t tell from the movie that the kiss was bad,” Zoey insists. “You two are really good actors.”

“Their chemistry was off, though, wasn’t it?” Rylee says. “That’s why he got the boot.”

“I thought the kiss was pretty good.”

“Guys! Can we not talk about it?” I ask. “I’d like to pretend it didn’t exist. Hopefully I won’t work on a project with the dude ever again.”

Rylee and Zoey exchange a laugh.

“So what are your plans for today?” I ask.

“We have our double date,” Rylee reminds me.

“That’s right! You guys are going to have so much fun.”

It takes everything I have not to fall over with jealousy. Rylee and her boyfriend, Mason, are perfect for each other, and Zoey and her boyfriend, Kade, are also perfect for each other. My best friends have found their soulmates in high school, something I’ve yearned for since I was a kid. Of course I’m super happy for them, but I can’t help wondering when I’ll find my perfect guy.

“You can come, too,” Zoey tells me. “You know we and the guys would love for you to hang out with us.”

I twist my nose. “Thanks, but you should have fun with your guys. Besides, I was up all night creating my character for the new RPG I just bought, and I can’t wait to dive into the medieval fantasy world and be the boss girl I was born to be. The combination is sick—a battlemage elf who has fire power and shock damage, plus dual wield and she even has restoration abilities! I’m telling you, guys, I’m going to kick a lot of butt.”

“Sounds fun,” Rylee says. “But you can play your game after you hang out with us.”

“It’s at Barnie’s Pizzeria,” Zoey informs me.

“Tempting. You know my weakness is pizza. And at Barnie’s? I feel like I could die a happy kid after eating at Barnie’s. Their pizza is the best thing to have graced this planet.” I sigh dramatically as I clutch my heart. “But alas, I must bid you no thanks. Valarina is waiting for me.”

Zoey shrugs to Rylee. “Well, we tried.”