Shaking my head, I mentally reprimand myself for being so weird around her. What the heck was up with that? Is it because I let myself be vulnerable around her?
Chapter Eighteen
After we’re done with our extracurricular activities on Thursday, Mia, Rylee, and I meet in the hallway. Mia slips her phone out of her pocket and studies the screen. “My dad texted that he’ll be here in five minutes.”
We leave the school building and drop down on the steps. Mia informs us how the play is coming along as we wait for her dad to arrive.
“I think I’ve finally gotten my character figured out,” she says, rubbing her forehead. “I hope the next production will be a comedy or something light because the amount of stress the cast and crew are under? Sheesh. This play is way too intense. But I bet the next show will be a musical. Guess I’ll sit that one out or have a minor role.”
“You have a good voice, Mia,” I tell her. “I’m sure you could get a lead or secondary role.”
She shakes her head. “I only have an average voice, not good enough for a lead role. Besides, I’m fine with giving someone else a chance to shine.”
“Well, I can’t wait to see the current play,” Rylee says. “I’m sorry you guys are working so hard, but that’s the biz, right? All of your hard work will pay off and I know you guys will have a knockout performance.”
“Thanks. We all love theater and acting to death, so we’re willing to put in all the blood, sweat, and tears.”
“Do you plan to do live theater or do you only want to do film and TV?” Rylee asks her.
She thinks for a second. “Hmm. I guess I never gave live theater much thought. I always assumed it was just something I’d do in high school. But I guess if a good opportunity presented itself…why not?”
“Then we’ll have two Broadway Musketeers,” I say with a smile. “You and Dani.”
Mia returns the smile. “True. But I have a feeling my career will be in Hollywood.”
A black car pulls up before us and beeps. A second later, the driver’s window is lowered and Asher sticks his head out. “Lorenzo has arrived!”
Lorenzo the chauffeur is the character Mia’s dad created a few weeks ago. He takes on the role whenever he gives us a ride. Mia and her dad are always creating random characters because they love doing improv, and they claim an actor should always be practicing.
“Hey, Dad.” Mia hops up from the steps and walks toward the passenger side of the car.
“Lorenzo,” he stresses. “Lorenzo.”
“Sorry, Lorenzo.” Mia opens the door and slides in.
“Hi, Lorenzo,” Rylee and I greet as we get in the back seat.
He tips his imaginary hat. “Hello to all you fine ladies. May I ask how school was?”
“Nothing special for me,” Rylee says. “Unless you count Tiffany throwing a mini tantrum because she couldn’t find her lip gloss.”
Lorenzo clutches his heart and gasps. “What a tragedy!”
“A tragedy, indeed!” Mia agrees, also clutching her chest. “We must sound the alarm. Gather all the people of this fine city and start a search party. Check every nook and cranny until we find the fair maiden’s most prized possession.”
“She found it at the bottom of her bag,” Rylee tells us.
Mia frowns. “Well that was anti-climactic.”
I laugh. “I never imagined lip gloss could be the star of a show.”
Mia laughs, too. “‘Lip gloss: A Tale of a Lost and Lonely Cosmetic.’”
The four of us burst into laughs.
“Other than that near-tragedy, anyone else have anything to report?” Asher asks as he pulls away from the school.