My thoughts travel to Zoey. I wonder what she’s doing right now. Maybe homework. Is she thinking about me at all?
Why would she?
Still, I can’t stop my brain from making her the star of the show going on in there. Why does she care what happens to me?
It’s more than her doing the right thing, I think. She was bothered about what happened to me today.
But…why? We’re not friends and I was a jerk to her.
“Okay,” Ally says as she returns to the kitchen. “Principal Nakamura revoked your suspension, Kade. You’re free to go to school tomorrow.”
Zack looks up at her. “What about those other boys? Are they getting suspended?”
“Yes. She’s calling their parents now.”
“Good.” He turns to me, putting an arm around me and pressing me to his chest. “Everything will be okay,” he murmurs. I have a feeling he’s not just talking about school, but maybe my future.
Ally gives me a serious look, though her eyes are full of warmth. “Now that I understand what you were going through, I’m giving you another chance to complete your essay.”
“Really? Thanks. I’m really sorry for how I behaved in class.”
She rests her hand on my shoulder. “It’s okay. The important thing is that you’re all right.”
I thank her again—and Zack—and go upstairs toward my room. But before I enter, I head two doors down until I’m standing in Zoey’s doorway.
Her door is open and she’s got her textbooks sprawled on the desk. Looks very into her homework.
I rap softly on the open door and she looks up, her hand going to her chest. “You scared me,” she says.
“Sorry. Just wanted to thank you again for…you know.”
She nods.
“My suspension is lifted,” I tell her. “Got to go to school tomorrow.”
She smiles. “That’s good.”
“Yeah. I guess.”
A few silent seconds tick by.
I look at her. She looks at me.
Shoving my hands into my pockets, I glance around her room. Many posters of books and TV shows adorn the walls, probably Lily’s favorites.
Zoey regards me with furrowed brows, like she doesn’t understand why I’m still in her room. Honestly, I don’t understand it, either. Why don’t my feet take me to my room?
“So, um…” she says as she tucks some hair behind her ear.
“Yeah. I should get started on that essay for Ally’s class.”
She nods, eyes still on me. “Yeah, you should do that.”
I nod, too, as my eyes continue to roam her room. Then I say, “Did I thank you for…? Oh, I did. Right.” I back out of her room. “Guess I’ll see you.”
“Yeah…see you.”