“Come on. You’re the coach’s niece. Your mom played as well. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out why you were chosen as QB.”

Her eyes narrow so hard she’s throwing daggers my way. “I earned my spot fair and square. Just like any other player.”

I lean back in my chair with a chuckle. “Right. Sure you did. I bet your little football team is the joke of the town.”

Her eyes flame even more. “We made it to state two years in a row, you jerk.”

I’m about to retort when Ally returns to the kitchen. “Okay, let’s clean up and head to school.”

As we do that, I can’t shake the feeling of guilt and regret. I didn’t mean what I said to her. Honestly, she was an amazing QB during practice and I know she’ll be spectacular tonight. I have no idea why I hurt her. Maybe because she hurt me? But that’s not an excuse.

She and I reach for a plate at the same time. She gazes into my eyes and I gaze into hers. My mouth opens to apologize for what I said, but she gives me such a hard look and twists away from me.

Ally waits for us in the car while we gather our things. Before Zoey walks out the door, I close my fingers around her wrist, tugging her to me.

“I didn’t mean what I said and I’m sorry,” I tell her. “You’re a really good QB and you deserve your spot. I was just…” I shrug. “I heard something last night that upset me and I took it out on you. Good luck at the game tonight.”

I can feel her watching me as I walk out of the house and get into the backseat of Ally’s car.

Chapter Nine


Tonight is the game between Edenbury High and Chefield High.

Even though everyone knows who the winner will be, the stands are full of excited spectators dressed in blue and gold colors and waving foam fingers. Football is a big thing in Edenbury.

When I first became QB in my freshman year—which is super rare, I know—I was very nervous. Even though I was QB in middle school, high school was a completely different world. The amount of people who showed up for my first game made me want to run home to the safety of my room. But after taking in all the excited faces, I was pumped with confidence and chased away my fear. They were here to see the Edenbury High Lions demolish, and that was what we did.

This game is a little different, though, because I don’t see the smiling faces of my parents in the stands. I’ve gotten used to Brock not being here, which was hard in the beginning, but it sucks that my parents aren’t here. But then I catch Aunt Ally waving at me. She holds up her phone, where I can make out my parents on video call. I think they even wave at me. A huge smile takes over my face. My parents made sure to show up for my game.

Next to Aunt Ally is Uncle Zack, who smiles and waves at me. My friends and their families are on the same row and the row behind them, all of them cheering or waving foam fingers.

And sitting near Uncle Zack is…Kade.

The words he said to me this morning and the way he took hold of my wrist play over and over in my head. He actually apologized to me. After saying something so horrible to me, he took it back. I don’t get it. Why bother saying it to begin with if he was going to apologize? Which means only one thing. He didn’t mean what he said. It just came out because…why, exactly? He mentioned hearing something last night that upset him? I have no idea what his situation is, but someone or something must have caused him pain, and he lashed out at me. Then he not only said he was sorry, but that he thinks I’m a really good QB.

I should still hate his guts, but for some reason I…don’t. Well, not as much as I did last night. I mean, I’m still not his biggest fan and I suspect living with him might still be a nightmare, but I guess I’m trying not to be so judgmental and cut him some slack. He’s had a pretty tough life and I’m sure it’s not easy living with strangers temporarily before being moved somewhere else.

If he was able to apologize to me this morning, then I could try to be less hostile toward him.

“Zoey!” Uncle Brayden calls.

I look back and notice that all of my teammates are already huddled together. With one more glance at Kade—who is nodding at something Uncle Zack says—I hurry over to my teammates, where we wrap our arms around each other.

“Now, I know Chefield doesn’t pose a threat to us,” Uncle Brayden says. “But how about we give our audience a show? Who are we?”

“The Lions!” we yell.

“And what do we do?”

“We roar!”

“And we don’t give up until we…”


“That’s right! One, two, three…”