“Edenbury Lions!” we all yell.

Uncle Brayden raises his fist. “Now show everyone what we’re made of! Go Lions!”

We race onto the field and get into position. The crowd cheers. Even though I need to focus on the game, my eyes move toward the spectators. Specifically, to where my family sits. Aunt Ally cheers as she holds out her phone so my parents can watch the game, and Uncle Zack is on his feet, clapping and cheering, too. Kade sits forward in his seat, his eyes pinned on the Lions. Pinned on me? Shaking my head, I focus back on the game.

I’m glad to say that every member of the team is performing exceptionally well. It’s like none of us care that this is supposed to be an easy game—we’re all determined to put one thousand percent into it, like we do with our toughest opponents. The result? Total annihilation.

I admit, my eyes travel to my family from time to time. Okay, they travel to Kade. While my friends and family cheer and wave foam fingers, Kade claps quietly, his gaze fastened on me. Maybe it’s my eyes playing tricks on me because I shouldn’t be able to see his expression well from this distance, but it looks like he’s impressed. Not because I’m a girl who can play football, but because he’s just impressed, period. Like I’m as good as any guy.

Not that it matters what he thinks. Nope.

“And the Edenbury Lions win!” the announcer booms over the loudspeaker.

My teammates cheer and throw me onto their shoulders, chanting, “Hastings! Hastings!”

“Mini Dynamo!” Coby yells.

“Heck no!” I yell back.

“Hastings! Hastings!”

When they finally put me down, Isaiah says, “Celebration at Mikey’s!”

They, along with the cheerleaders, always celebrate at Mikey’s Diner, one of the oldest diners in Edenbury that’s a major hangout for teens. I don’t hang out with them, though. It’s not my scene.

But Jason pulls my arm. “You gonna join us, Hastings?”


“Come on, Zoey! You never celebrate with us,” Coby says. “We win all of our games because of you.”

“That’s not true. We win as a team.”

“Man, Hastings. How do you expect us to feel when our own QB won’t hang out with us?”

I look from one to the other, noticing the hurt expressions on their faces. “I…” I sigh and pull off my helmet. “I do like hanging out with you guys. It’s just that…”

“It’s not the same without you,” Isaiah says. “We don’t feel complete when you’re not there.”

“Oh…I didn’t know you felt that way.”

“We do,” they say, each one looking hopeful.

“I guess if Rylee goes, too…”

“Sweet!” Jason whoops. “I’m gonna find Rylee.”

My friends and family run over to congratulate me. I exchange a few words with my parents over video call and then they hang up.

“I’ll send them the recording and I’ll also send it to Brock,” Aunt Ally tells me.


I notice Kade standing behind Uncle Zack. When our eyes lock, he says, “Good game. You were great out there—”

“Zoey!” Rylee rushes over and grabs my shoulders. “Jason told me you want to celebrate at Mikey’s?”

“Yeah. I didn’t know that it hurts my teammates that I’m not there with them. But I’ll only go if you and Mia come, too. And Mason.”