Her face turns serious. “Oh. How was it?”

“Was okay. Hard, but I’m happy I was able to talk to him. It’s so far from Edenbury—two hours by car. Zack and Ally were so kind to take me.”

She nods. “We already established that my aunt and uncle are one of the kindest people in the world.”

She has no idea. I want to tell her the good news, but I’d rather do it in person. She’ll be home tomorrow anyway, so it won’t be long before we’re together again.

I tell her more about my day in the cemetery and she tells me about hers as well.

“My parents are coming from New Zealand tonight and then we’ll fly back home tomorrow.” She gives me a sad smile, like she knows this is the end of us living together under one roof. It’ll suck that we won’t see each other all the time, but there’s still school. And her house is fairly close to Ally and Zack’s, so we’ll see each other often.

She narrows her eyes as she examines me. “Are you hiding something from me?”

“What?” Can she read my good news all over my face?

“I don’t know. You look happier than usual. I mean, it’s a great thing, but I wonder if you’re not telling me something.”

I push some hair away from my face. “I’m excited to talk to you.” And I can’t wait until we’re together again tomorrow. And of course I’m thinking about our almost-kiss.

“Are you really that excited?”

“Yes. Of course I am. You’re…you’re very special to me.”

Her cheeks are red again as she glances away. Then she looks at me and something passes between us. I think it’s what happened yesterday. She’s not bringing it up and neither am I. And I don’t know why. We both wanted it, and I’d like to try again. But does she feel like it was a mistake? It doesn’t seem that way.

“You’re special to me, too, Kade,” she says with a bright smile.


We’re quiet. She opens her mouth to say something, then shuts it.

“You know—” I start.

“Kade, ready for the movie?” Ally walks into my room. “Oh, sorry to interrupt.”

“It’s Zoey.”

Ally rushes to my side and smiles at her niece. “Hey, honey. How are you?”

They chat for a bit, then Zack comes in, wondering what’s keeping us. When he sees Zoey’s face on the screen, he rushes to join the conversation.

“We’ll meet you downstairs,” Ally tells me before she and Zack leave my room.

I smile at Zoey. “You have lots of people who love you.”

“I know. So do you.”

My eyebrows furrow. “I only have your aunt and uncle. And you.”

“And your mom and dad. They’re still with you. And you also have the Four Musketeers and Junior Musketeers. And my friends.”

“But I don’t know the Musketeers. And they don’t know me.”

“True, but we’re all one big happy family. And that includes you. You’ll get to know each other soon and they’ll love you like their own.”

It touches my heart. She doesn’t even know that I’m officially living here now and she already sees me as part of her family.

“Thanks, Zoey.”