She smiles. “So you’re going to watch a movie, huh? Brock and I plan to watch another shark documentary. It’s great that he’s smiling. He was in a bad place two years ago. I’m so happy I can be with him now.”

I don’t know the details of what happened, and it’s none of my business. If Zoey wants to tell me about it one day, that’s cool. If not, that’s cool, too.

“You’re a good sister,” I say.

Her smile is shy. “Thanks.”

“Ally and Zack are waiting for me, but I don’t want to end the call.”

“Me, either.”

I bend closer. “Five more minutes. So what do you want to talk about?”

“You tell me.”

I really want to tell her my good news, but I force myself to be patient. Telling it to her in person will be ten times better.

We talk about other things, then the five minutes are up. I frown. “I really need to go. Will we talk again before you get back?”

“I’m not sure. We can text.”

“Sure, I’d like that.”

We smile at each other. My eyes dart to her lips, then quickly meet her eyes again. “Have a good night, Zoey, and enjoy your shark show.”

“Enjoy your movie. Even if it is romance.” She playfully sticks out her tongue.

My brows lift. “Maybe I want to watch a romance.”

“Ooh. Really?”

I shrug. “You’re not the only one who can change their mind. Besides, I know Ally’s dying for romance. And I’m really fine with whatever.”

She laughs. “Enjoy your romance movie, then.”

I chuckle. “Bye.” We wave at each other and end the call.

I’m still smiling as I head to the living room, where Ally and Zack have prepared popcorn, drinks, and other snacks.

“Did you tell Zoey the good news?” Ally asks as she pats the spot between her and Zack.

“No,” I tell them as I take my place. “I want to tell her in person.”

“She’ll be so happy to hear it.”

It takes us a few minutes to choose a movie. Ally is against romance because she thinks I won’t like it, but once I tell her I’m into the idea, she settles on a paranormal romance that sounds…interesting. I think.

It actually isn’t that bad. Ally seems to really enjoy the romance. She and her husband are snuggled in each other’s arms.

When I watch the guy and girl on screen, my mind replaces them with Zoey and me. And when they kiss, it’s us kissing.

Chapter Thirty-Six


After video chatting with Kade and my friends, Brock and I watch another shark documentary. As much as I’m enjoying it, it’s a little hard to concentrate because I keep replaying my video call with Kade over and over again. Will I always be like this, or will I eventually be able to take back control of my life? Then again…I don’t exactly hate it. I never thought I would be content with just daydreaming about a guy, but that’s all I want to do lately.

The front door closes and Grandma calls out, “Zoey, Brock! Guess who’s here?”