I lift a brow at Zack. “A few days ago when you told me something was in the works, you were talking about this as my new home?”
He nods. “I didn’t want to tell you anything until we were certain.” He stretches his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to his chest. “You’re a good kid who had a hard life and you deserve all the good things in the world.”
Drawing back, I nod at him. “Thank you. For weeks I hoped and dreamed of staying here. I didn’t think any home could be as amazing as this one. Thanks so much, Zack and Ally.”
“It was difficult to find you a new home because I’ve known deep in my heart that you belong with us.”
Ally brushes her lips across my cheek. “We already told you that you’re like a son to us. And we mean it. You belong here.”
My throat gets a little scratchy. “Thanks again. I don’t think those words are strong enough to convey how I feel right now.”
“I think we know,” Zack says with a smile. “Because we feel the exact same way.”
We talk a bit more, about everything, and they keep telling me how glad they are that things have worked out. I can’t believe this—I’m more than ecstatic. To think only a few days ago I was worried where I’d be. And now I know exactly where I belong. With these kind people who I hope will be in my life forever.
Ally squishes me close. “We’re still on for a movie later, right?”
“Sure. Do you need help cleaning the kitchen?”
Zack waves his hand. “We’ll take care of it.”
They leave and I go up to my room. Plopping down on my bed, I can’t stop smiling as I lie down and stare at the ceiling. For the first time in a long time, things are finally looking good for me. And I know it can only get better from here. Sure, life is hard and there will be disappointments, but life is good, too. I’m starting to realize that.
Zoey’s face pops into my head. I once again remember how close we were in the hallway yesterday, how her lips were only inches from mine. How both our chests heaved. How badly we wanted the kiss. How I asked her to the dance and how excited she was.
And the way she pressed her soft lips to my cheek…
My phone rings with a video call.
It’s Zoey.
Sitting up, my heart pounds. She’s calling me.
Shaking my head, I quickly answer before I miss her. “Hey,” I say to her smiling face as it pops up on the screen. “I was just thinking about you.”
She looks really good. Happy. Her smile is so bright it makes my heart skip a beat. Man, I miss her so much.
“Yeah?” she laughs. “What were you thinking about?”
Her cheeks are a little flushed and I wonder if she’s also remembering what happened between us less than twenty-four hours ago.
I shrug, returning her smile. “Nothing specific. How was your day? How are your brother and grandparents?”
“My grandparents are good. Brock is great, too. We went sailing this morning.”
As she gushes about her day, I can’t help but smile. This is what I want—to talk to her about every single moment of her day. Because I can never get bored of her.
“What?” she asks. “You’re staring at me.”
“Just miss you.”
Her cheeks get even redder. “I miss you, too.”
“And you’re so beautiful.”
She pushes some hair over her face, trying to hide a blush. “Thanks. But enough about me. Tell me about your day.”
I get comfortable on my bed. “I went to the cemetery to visit my dad.”