I remain at Dad’s grave for a bit longer, telling him everything that lies in my heart. Then I leave, promising to come again, and meet Zack and Ally in the parking lot.
Ally encloses me in her arms. “You okay?”
I smile sadly. “I’m okay.”
Zack wraps his arm over both of us. “If you need a minute, we can wait. And if you want to talk, we’re here.”
I nod, swallowing. “Thanks. It’s still hard, but it’s getting easier.”
Zack bobs his head slowly. “He’ll always be with you. Remember that.”
“I used to feel bad about being happy when my dad’s here, but I’m starting to see that I can be happy. I should be happy. Because I have good things in my life.”
Zack pats my arm. “You definitely do.”
I stay in their arms for a bit longer before we head to the car.
“There’s something Ally and I want to talk to you about,” Zack tells me.
“What is it?”
Ally squeezes my shoulder in such a loving manner that once again reminds me of Mom. “We want to give you some time to gather yourself after visiting your dad. We’ll tell you after we come home.”
I’m very curious because I figure it’s about my future home, but I’ll be patient. Throughout the ride home, I can’t help but wonder about the new home. I’m very nervous, even though I believe and trust in Zack. Wherever I end up, I tell myself it’ll be okay.
I spend some time thinking about Dad, the past, coming to his grave. My thoughts are on Mom as well.
It’s dinnertime by the time we arrive home. We stop off at Mikey’s Diner to get burgers and fries to-go, then we head home.
After we unpack the food and settle down at the table, we devour them in silence. Ally and Zack exchange a glance, one I can’t read, but I know they’re having some telepathic conversation about me. Probably about my future home.
“Come, let’s go to the living room,” Ally says to me and Zack after we finish eating. “We’ll clean up later.”
My stomach is in knots as I follow my foster parents into the living room, where we sit down on the couch. Ally and Zack are on either side of me.
Ally rests her hand on mine, giving me a bright smile. I want to return it, but my lips feel like they’re glued shut.
Zack exchanges another glance with his wife before turning to me. “Kade, we found you a home.”
I nod slowly. “I figured that was what you wanted to talk to me about. Is it in Edenbury? Will I have to change schools?” Will I see Zoey again?
“Before we make any decisions, we want to get your thoughts on it,” Zack says while Ally continues to pat my hand. “The home we found for you is…right here.”
My eyebrows shoot so high I bet they disappear into my hairline. “In Edenbury?”
“In here. With us,” Ally explains, a kind smile in her eyes. “We’d like you to continue living here, if it’s something you want.”
“You mean, I can live here until I turn eighteen?”
Zack wraps an arm around me. “You can live here for as long as you want. Maybe it’ll officially be until you’re eighteen, but we hope you’ll be part of the family for a long, long time.”
I’m quiet as my head spins. They don’t want me to leave. They want me to continue living here. It’s all I’ve ever wished for since I came to live with them.
“What do you say?” Zack asks. “Would you like to live here?”
“Yes. There’s no other home I’d rather be than right here.”
Ally laughs in relief as she hugs me close. “Zack and I couldn’t bear you leaving us,” she whispers in my ear. “So we made the appropriate arrangements to foster you long term. Forever.”