Back in my room, I rummage through the last contents of my suitcase for the book and puzzle I bought for Brock from the Historic Edenbury gift shop. I hide Lexi’s letter in my drawer so Brock won’t accidentally see it. I hate having to walk on eggshells around him, but the truth is, saying the wrong thing could make him shut down, and once he shuts down? I feel like I’ve lost my brother. Thankfully, it’s not as bad as it was last year and the year before, but I’m always so worried I’ll say or do the wrong thing. Even though I try my hardest to treat him like normal, which is all he wants.
He’s sitting on his bed when I enter his room, watching a video on his phone.
“Another shark documentary?” I ask, hiding the present behind my back.
“It’s about sea turtles,” he says, facing his phone to me. “Aren’t they awesome?”
“Yeah, they’re really cool.”
He focuses on what I’m hiding behind my back. “So what did you get me?”
“My school took us to Historic Edenbury and the Edenbury Museum of History. Remember when we went years ago?”
He lifts his shoulders. “No.”
“Yeah, I barely remember it, either. Anyway, it’s a really cool place and there’s also an apple orchard. They had a gift shop.” I move closer to him and present him with the gift. “Tada!”
I didn’t wrap it because I couldn’t find wrapping paper, so it’s obvious at first glance what it is.
“Is that a well?” he asks with furrowed brows as he takes the puzzle from me.
“Yeah, there was an old well there and it was awesome. And I know how much you love puzzles, especially 3D ones.”
“Thanks, this is really cool!” He grins as he studies the box, tilting his head aside to get some of his long bangs out of his eyes. “There are like 200 pieces here. So neat.”
“I knew you’d love it. And I also got you a book about Historic Edenbury.”
Brock frowns as he continues examining the box containing the 3D puzzle. “Why is it open?”
I laugh sheepishly. “I might have tried to put it together. But I lost patience.”
He playfully glares at me.
“What? I did pay for it.”
“Don’t you know you’re not supposed to mess with someone’s present? You’re supposed to give it to them completely brand new.”
“Really now?” I drop down next to him on the bed and throw my arm around him. “What else has my little brother been up to?”
He shrugs. “Nothing much. Same old.”
“You doing good in school?”
He groans.
“You know how important school is, Brock. You missed a lot of school the last two years and I don’t want you to be left back because of it.”
He averts his gaze to his lap. I want to kick myself for pushing too hard, but his head snaps up and he smiles. “Guess what Grandpa promised me if I get no less than a B in all my classes.”
“I told you to guess, Zo.”
“How can I possibly guess? There are like a trillion possibilities.”
“Fine, I’ll give you a hint. It’s something Mom and Dad have.”
I give him a face. “What kind of hint is that?”