He groans. “You’re so not fun. Fine, it’s a vehicle they use. Happy? I totally gave it away.”

I blink at him, not understanding what he’s referring to, but then it hits me. “Grandpa is buying you a motorcycle?”

He beams the brightest I’ve seen in the last two years. “Yeah! As soon as I get my license, he’s buying me a bike! Well, as long as I keep my grades up,” he grumbles.

I’m so relieved by this news. It’s been Brock’s dream ever since he was a kid to have a motorcycle like my mom and dad, but after the accident…I thought he wouldn’t get in a car or a bike for the rest of his life.

“I’m not sure if I want the type of bike Mom has or Dad,” he muses, his face still bright. “Mom’s is so fast, but Dad’s looks like such a beast…”

As he continues gushing about it, I try to fight off a smile. I want to treat Brock as normal as possible, but the only thing I wish to do right now is fling my arms around him and hug him tight. As the months go by, I see more of my old brother emerging. I know his recovery will take a long time, and I’ll be as patient as he needs me to be, but I’m so glad he’s made such good progress.

“So what’s the book about?” he asks, reaching for it.

“It’s all about Historic Edenbury.” I open it to the first page. “The pictures are really cool. Any of these people could be our ancestors.”

“Yeah, looks cool. Thanks.” He puts the book aside and hugs me with one arm. “You’re a cool sis.”

I burst out laughing. “A cool sis? Is that the best you can come up with?”

“I’m not going to stroke your ego. You get that enough from all the people who worship you at school.”

“Worship me? Yeah, right. I’m invisible at school.”

“But you’re the QB, and a darn good one. Aren’t the freshmen and sophomore boys in love with you?”

I snort. “Ha! Everyone sees me as one of the guys. Besides, I wouldn’t want them to be in love with me. Ew.”

He laughs. “I guess.”

“And did you just call me a ‘darn good’ QB?” I ask.

He purses his lips and shakes his head. “No.”

“Don’t deny it, Brock Hastings. My ears don’t deceive me.”

“Keep dreaming, Zoey Hastings.”

I playfully knock my shoulder into his.

“Ouch! Gosh, you’re strong.” He knocks his shoulder into mine, nearly sending me off the bed.

“You’re strong, too!” I exclaim.

“I’ve been helping a lot on Grandpa’s boat. I guess I’ve grown some muscles.”

“I remember annihilating you at wrestling matches. Darn it, you’re getting older now and are practically a man. There go my days of beating your little butt.”

He makes a face. “Did you just call me practically a man? I’m only fourteen. Almost fifteen.”

“Have you looked in the mirror? You’re going to be taller than a tree soon.”

“Maybe you’re too short.”

“I am,” I agree. “But you’re still growing into a giant.”

“Zoey?” Grandma calls as she passes Brock’s room.

“I’m in Brock’s room!” I say.